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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 148.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (81.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2022. júl. 22., 21:47
Frissítve: 2022. júl. 31., 18:15

Are you looking to relive the glory days of your childhood with a past iteration of MechWarrior?
Perhaps large robots with big guns is simply appealing?
Want to blast something with Particle Projection Cannons and massive Auto Cannons that go BRRR?

If you're looking at this game for any of those reasons, you've come to the right place. This game will give you that.

However, that being said... Right out the gate this game did not impress me terribly much. 80hrs in I've yet to track down a few performance issues and it makes playing some missions a pain. That's on me though, I think. My friends with similar rigs report no such issues.
The scale is off in this game. If you spend any time observing the terrain... you're going to find that some of the world items simply don't make sense when it comes to their sizes.
It does feel like there is some serious polish and attention to detail that is simply missing in this game. After about 40hrs and repeats on maps and missions, I started to notice and while it is nothing game breaking, it just brings to light that under the surface there isn't much thought put into the little things.

That being said, you're not here for the little things... STOP LOOKING AT THOSE ROCK TEXTURES... Go blow more stuff up!
I must certainly say the progression has been very enjoyable. 80hrs in across 2 campaigns (single and coop) and I'm still finding new weapons and mechs which allow for tasteful configurations that continue to send tingles up my spine.
The gritty punchyness that I expected out the gate in this game wasn't what I wanted, but I've grown to enjoy it very much and getting to dual wield AC20s for the first time is definitely the highlight for me.

The coop experience has been unoffensive. There are certainly menu options which could be improved as well as some AI functions and camera work. But, when on missions, things have gone quite well and jumping in and out of matches is surprisingly easy.

There's definitely more things I like and dislike about the game, but that's the general gist. This game isn't going to win any awards or blow any minds. It definitely feels like there's some serious QOL oversights, but heck dude I really enjoy blowing things up and I'm going to continue doing so with a grin.
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