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Nylige anmeldelser av Axtium

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103.8 timer totalt (40.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
WW2 Milsim. Its Beautiful. Your COD and Battlefield skillz do NOT translate here, you cannot play as a lone wolf. You will realize very quickly how fragile you are. You rely on your squad and your squad leader, and your squad leaders communication with the commander and vice versa.

A BIG upside is that you do NOT have to be a good shooter or super amazing at FPS games, because if you work together as a team with good intel and good tactical decisions, you WILL have an amazing time.

The only downside is this game HEAVILY relies on cooperation and communication between players... and occasionally as we all know this can fall flat from time to time though over time through this games development I have seen more players regularly willingly step up to leadership roles and genuinely want to learn how to play as squad lead.
Speaking on that further, the community is pretty healthy and non toxic from what ive seen so far.. for the most part players are interested in everyone's success and will gladly help teach you what you need to know and answer questions and offer advice.
Excellently balanced game where all the players have a vested interest in everyone playing their part effectively.

10/10 WW2 sim

Publisert 13. september 2021.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
268.1 timer totalt (243.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Played since the closed Beta. This hits different. There is nothing else like it and I would be remiss to NOT recommend it to anyone that wants to play billy badass with friends and cleanse the swamps of demonic beings... and other players.
Publisert 8. september 2021.
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