
MarsGotBars の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:1,891.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:332.5時間)
At the time of writing this the game doesn't have matchmaking yet. This is still in the works and might not be implemented yet in the next update.

As an alternative to this the way to play at the moment is to connect with other players on the GTFO discord server:

The community is very active and there is many players helping out newer players.

Don't go in guns blazing

As stated above, this isn't a typical shooter by any means
In this game your mistakes will have grave consequences on you and the people that play with you.

This game requires patience, an attention span, quick thinking but also logical and rational thinking.

Sneaking around in the dark and stealthily killing the enemies is something you'll be doing most of the time, it's something you want to keep up for as long as possible. Running out of resources will lead to failure in most cases. The game is challenging and will in no way baby you or hold your hand. With resources being so scarce you want to be as efficient as possible, you're not down in the facility by yourself after all, since you have 3 others with you, you'll have to carefully distribute it between the 4 of you.

The enemies are sensitive to light and sound, meaning that walking around with your flashlight on isn't a safe option.

You are sent down into a mining facility to do tasks for something called "The Warden". Their objective is unknown to us as of yet and so far we only know that you're sent down to clear a path further down. And the further you go down, the more difficult it gets...
投稿日 2020年4月9日. 最終更新日 2020年4月9日
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