╭∩╮( º.º )╭∩╮   Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
• Name ------{ Unknown
• Age ---------{199_?
• Language--{ Praat Afrikaans of fo_of
• Sex----------{ Yes Please!!
• Game-------{ DOTA 2
• Clan---------{ SG||evolved
• Weapon----{ UMP45 with .44Magnum
• Saying------{ Kiss my Ass…tastic

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I am iπFαmΦµs… I am a huge Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 fan. Like all of you I like to play as often as much me never have the time because of my lazy-ass parents. When I started playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 people use to refer to me as noob... Now that I have the hand of the game, they refer to me as
║═╬╦╦═╦═╦═╦══╦═╦═╗ Those of you who still refer to me as noob ╭∩╮( º.º )╭∩╮
╠═║║║╬║╩╣╔╣║║║╬║║║ ....................................................................................╔╗╔═╦╗
╚═╩═╣╔╩═╩╝╚╩╩╩╩╩╩╝ Those of you who refer to me as SUPERMAN ..........║╚╣║║╚╗
════╚╝══════════☆♥ ....................................................................................╚═╩═╩═╝
........................................................................................(●̮̮̃•̃) (●̮̮̃•̃)
Those of you who refer to me as iπFαmΦµs ............../█\ ♥/█\ ì ℓσvє γσυ

—————–██████████ LITTLE SOMTIN BOUT MESYLF...?
———–█▓░░░░░░░░░░█ • I like to rollerblade... IF anybody knows the skatepark ""THRASHERS"" you know where to find me
—–█░░░░░░░░█░░█░░▓█ • Everyone looks up to me... figuratively and literaly... So don't try anything. I see all
—█░░░░▓░░░░░░░░▓░░█ • I believe Da_King is a legend!! So respect him yall
—–█▓░░█▓░░░░░░░░█▓▓█ • The nicest thing you can do to spoil yourself is to buy some ""pannekoek"" on a leke rainy day!!
———████▓▓░░░░░▓██ • I hate School and want to kill the teacher everytime he tells me to cut my hair╭∩╮HUMAN
—–█▓▓▓▓▓▓██████▓▓▓▓█ • People I love music. Music is the heart of the sole. It's that leke pannekoek u eat on a rainy day...
——-████████———██████ Its that last shot u get in on that guy with last(gay) stand!!

So there was this crazy party at my ESTATE last night, which was located next to a TERMINAL, in AFGHAN, just 10 miles from a local QUARRY. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a SCRAPYARD. There was this girl that said she wanted to DERAIL me. So i went to a RUNDOWN hotel in FAVELA, there was RUST everywhere. I felt her KARACHI, it was bare like a WASTELAND. The feeling gave me a HIGHRISE. I then entered her UNDERPASS, went so deep i hit her SUB BASE. She loved the INVASION

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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●● PeAcE OuT ●●

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Skål 16 септ. 2013 в 7:05 
Santo 29 септ. 2011 в 13:44 
awe bra love die profile
Asstastic 29 септ. 2011 в 13:21 
hahaha thanx buddy!!! <3