Beaverton, Oregon, United States
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Mainly playing Darktide and PSO 2: NGS as a comfort game.
Sometimes Helldivers 2 or Space Marine 2, Occasionally Hunt: Showdown

Mouse: Razer Viper V3 Pro
Keyboard: HyperX Alloy
Headphones: Sennheiser HD560S (+ Truthear x Crinacle Zero:Red 10 Ohm Adapter)
Microphone: HyperX Quadcast
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360 Hours played
Review updated 2 years after Rundown #007 Extended was released. I went on a hiatus from the game as they started to update and re-release Rundown #001-#006. I played GTFO since the Alpha, the game is waaay better since then.

Great difficult Coop FPS survival horror with an emphasis on stealth, coordination, decision-making, strategy, tactics, efficiency, and communication.

If you hate stealth, you will likely not enjoy the game.

Recommended to have:
1. A good mic for voice chat
2. Friends/ teammates to play the level with (up to 4 players)
3. A lot of time to commit to finishing a run (20m-3h)

For Point #1:
There is text chat and a radio commands system as an alternative to a mic, but voice chat using a mic is strongly recommended especially for communicating objective related 'passwords'.

For Point #2:
There are AI bots you could give basic commands to do stuff, but good players are almost always better than them.

There is a matchmaking system, but I recommend joining the official discord server to look for players or join games. They have Looking For Group channels for many regions (NA, latin america, E. EU, W. EU, Asia, Oceania, Africa) and an LFG channel for beginners.

For Point #3:
Knowledge of the levels, events, enemies, mechanics, and team familiarity will make playthroughs go faster.

Rundown levels are ordered vertically by Alphabet and horizontally by Numbers, with the difficulty increasing from top to bottom. Main Story levels are the 1s (i.e. A1, B1, C1, and D1), which are required to be completed to access the higher number levels in each tier (A2, B2, B3, ...) and provide a good vertical slice for newer players and introduce cool mechanics/ gimmicks to existing players. The 1s have a more detailed objective direction and terminal usage hints which helps new players learn.

A 'Checkpoint scan' system was added to help reduce the frustration of spending a lot of time repeating the easier parts of a level, and, IMO, as a balancing element against first time surprises, mistakes, level RNG, and random BS happening.

Lastly, there are Anti-Kiting measures in the game in the form of Heartbeat monitor above the health which is elevated during combat situations, when you spam bunnyhops, or sprint for too long. Strafe Running (e.g. holding W+A or W+D) was nerfed, locking you to walking speeds. Dodging (Shift+A, Shift+D, Shift+S) seems to be faster but covers less distance as well. Sliding does not seem to affect the Anti-Kiting measures much, but I might be wrong.
camaro enjoyer 16 Dec, 2015 @ 9:51am 
Cool man;)
Sum_Ghai 29 Sep, 2015 @ 7:11am 
thank you mate! ^^