Who the hell
Ash   Manila, Philippines
A chicken a day keeps the doctor away! :brownchicken:
A letter to myself...
Living in this world is not easy. It has never been and it will never be. No one will come to you and say, “Hey, I got this. I’ll solve all your problems.” You’ll have to do it yourself. Use the time you have on this planet sensibly. Don’t waste it. Make experiences, memories, and mistakes. Fall seven times, stand up eight. And if you get to a point where you feel your life is going in the wrong direction, stop. Take a deep breath in, put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee, and handle it. Your best teacher is your last mistake and remember that storms don’t last forever. You have the power to change your life. Make a difference, reinvent yourself, and improve yourself. 365 new days, 365 new chances.

All that matters is that you are happy because happy girls are the prettiest. Travel as much as you can, fall in love, be humble, and don’t take the happy moments for granted. Do more of what makes you happy. Be brave. Believe in yourself. You only have this one life. Do what feels good and do more of it. Don’t stop until you’re satisfied and feel you’ve done your best. Take risks. You have this one life. It’s your life, so don’t waste it. Make yourself proud and start now. Don’t worry about tomorrow and let the past be behind you. Live in the moment.

No one knows you better than you know yourself. Accept yourself. Be yourself. And most of all, love yourself. Go out there and be ambitious. Work hard to get stuff done. Face your fears. Always be a work in progress.

The quickest way to happiness is to be selfless. Talk about yourself less because everything doesn't need to be talked about. Simplicity is the key. A real woman avoids drama and knows when to move on to let karma do its work. Everything will happen for a reason and everything will happen by its time. Every day you gain new experiences that shape you. Your personality is a work in progress. Remember that no character is born perfectly. A stone only looks perfected because it had to fall into deep sees and had to go through rough waves. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. Stay true to yourself in everything you do. Be careful who you surround yourself with and who you trust.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always. Go up to people without prejudgment. Offer the world your smile and see how it changes your surroundings.

And yes, of course, going up to people and managing your life is not always easy. Often, you will be afraid of doing stuff. But remember that fear is only created in your head. Don't let it conquer you. Conquer it. Face it. Change the game - don't let the game change you. F.E.A.R. has two meanings. Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.

And yes, people won't always be nice to you. They will hurt you but sadly that is what life is. Don't let it stop you from falling in love over and over again. Make new friends and go deeper into friendships. It is worth every heartbreak and rejection you will ever experience. Friends are family and they cheer you up on your bad days and laugh with you in your happy moments. Don't forget, you're never alone. No matter what happens, never forget the ones you love and who love you. Friends and family. Together you create memories that last forever. Bad and good ones. Be loyal to the ones you care about.

Sometimes you get disappointed by people. Sometimes it is necessary to draw a line and cross out somebody who isn't good for you. It hurts to let go. But no heartbreak will ever kill you. Time heals all wounds and remember: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Be independent. Be selfless. People hurt you in life, deal with it. Don't judge anyone for his flaws because that's what makes us all vulnerable and imperfect. You shouldn't treat people the way they treat you. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Don't fight evil with evil.

Remember how lucky you are to live in your country. You have the chance to live in peace and you can voice your opinion freely without being persecuted. Go out and stand up for it. Help the ones who need help. You have the privilege to vote for whoever you want, to believe in whatever religion, and to choose your identity. Remember that we live in a world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are. It is only a tiny minority of the world's population that has a privileged standard of living and can moan about its ‘first-world problems’. Like eating so much for dinner that you can't eat the dessert anymore or being too lazy to charge your phone although it's dying.

So don't waste the time that is given to you. Reach for the stars and strive for more than you think is possible. Be a daydreamer and a night thinker. Be sure that in the end, everyone will be good and if it's not good yet, it's not the end either. Live a life to express, not to impress, and embrace the little things. Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life. Stay hungry, stay foolish, and remember that a little party never killed anybody.
Afișierul perfecționistului
Eedge 24 dec. 2024 la 8:11 
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025! 🎄🎆
iu 23 dec. 2024 la 22:18 
Christmas brings family and friends together. It help us to appriciate the love in our lives that we often take for granted may the true meaning of the holiday season fill your heart and home with many blessings🎊🎉🥳
Chloe Grace Moretz 16 nov. 2024 la 4:34 
300 friends 0_o.
next mark in friends list 500)
crime and violins 14 nov. 2024 la 20:21 
Hi, thanks for adding me!
iu 14 nov. 2024 la 1:05 
Happy Holloween2024!!
Treat or Treats🎃👻
Altoreus Cibrus 13 nov. 2024 la 22:51 
Someone put a lesh on this crazy woman!