Tempo di gioco nelle ultime 2 settimane:

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10 achievement su 17 (59%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali

A picture's worth

Write a total of 1,000 words.
Sbloccato in data 9 giu 2019, ore 1:52

Big essay

Write a total of 5,000 words.
Sbloccato in data 30 lug 2019, ore 10:41

The lucky ten thousand

Write a total of 10,000 words.
Sbloccato in data 22 ago 2019, ore 6:32

Good and steady

Write 2,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 9 giu 2019, ore 13:46

Getting better

Write 3,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 31 lug 2019, ore 8:05

Progression is key

Write 4,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 31 lug 2019, ore 8:10


Write 5,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 9 nov 2019, ore 3:53

Nimble Writer

Write 10,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 9 nov 2019, ore 3:59

Ready for publishing?

Export a story.
Sbloccato in data 8 giu 2019, ore 14:06

Thousand a day

Write 1,000 words in a day.
Sbloccato in data 9 giu 2019, ore 2:46


Write a total of 100,000 words.
12,395 / 100,000

First to 20k

Write a total of 20,000 words.
12,395 / 20,000

Life, universe, and everything

Write a total of 42,000 words.
12,395 / 42,000

Almost a novel

Write a total of 75,000 words.
12,395 / 75,000

Like the King

Write 2,000 words every day for 7 days.
1 / 7

Follow the King

Write 2,000 words every day for 14 days.
1 / 14

Be the King

Write 2,000 words every day for 21 days.
1 / 21