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2.5 hrs on record
A great stealth game with clever mechanics and beautiful graphics. The narrative and the sci-fi setting are great too. Very recommended!
Posted 12 April, 2024.
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6.1 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Clem is a game that mixes a great narrative with well thought puzzles in a superb manner. The art is also top and together with the story manage to create a unique atmosphere. Overwhelmingly recommended.
Posted 7 February, 2024.
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8 people found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
Great game to play in quick bursts.

Short levels with multiple paths designed to speed-run, nice character controls (move, jump, slide, wall-jump...) and a fun mechanic that allows you to throw a device and teleport to it, adding a lot of possibilities.
Posted 5 September, 2021.
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4.8 hrs on record
Wow! Changing dimension is the perfect mechanic for a shootemup. It starts easy but then both screens gets crowded of enemies and bullets and jumping from one screen to the other is challenging and demands total focus. It's a refreshing way to use my skills.

For the genre, this game is long enough (13 levels, but I needed to repeat some of them :P) and the replay value is very high (thanks to the innovative core mechanic and lots of new modes).

Totally recommended!
Posted 23 January, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record
Hexcellent :D

Best logic puzzle game I have ever played. Less than 2 hours to complete it 100% so time is not an excuse. Only numbers and logic rules but the level design is truly amazing. Get it now and exercise your brain.
Posted 29 August, 2016.
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13 people found this review helpful
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2.4 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Nice game full of funny moments, jokes and dialogs. You will want to keep playing to see what will be the next game/movie reference.

The core mechanic of the game keeps you alert (not too much, you won't get stressed and there are three difficulty levels) as you need to find and drink zombeer to avoid becoming a zombie and eventually dying. Luckily there are zombeers all over the place.

Different types of enemies, bosses and a few puzzles give the game enough variation to make of Zombeer a fun game to play!
Posted 30 January, 2015.
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17.3 hrs on record (15.7 hrs at review time)
Great game to play solo or with friends.

- nice FPS controls (very similar to CoD games)
- full of quests, looting, XP, skill trees and other cool rpg elements
- different characters, builds and weapons allow you to play the game in different ways
- some quests and dialogs are fun. I loved the chain of quests where a certain type of enemy keeps changing its name (even in the in-game UI).
- it's a long game

- sometimes a bit repetitive
- a few enemies feel unbalanced, hard to kill giving little reward
- a lot of quests are too easy (if you want to complete all) because you got to a higher level than the recommended for the quest
Posted 30 January, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Very good and beautiful game.

The gameplay is slower (and easier) compared to similar titles like Nuclear Throne or Risk of Rain, but you can permanently upgrade your skills with gold and XP. There are a lot of objects, pins and masks to collect. So you find yourself playing and playing to improve your character build, unlock new skills and find new stuff.

Maybe I would change the way the inventory and loot works, as you have all your inventory slots full pretty fast in each game and keep constantly receiving new items that you can't pick anymore and is a bit frustrating. Risk of Rain doesn't have item limit and feels better.

The online works lika a charm and the multiplayer is fun, there are 4 quests with 3 levels of difficulty (that are designed to be completed in sequence), daily missions, pvp...

I totally recommend the game.
Posted 2 January, 2015.
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13.5 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Kingdom Rush is probably the best tower defense game that I have ever played.

It's not an easy game, you will have to manage how to spend experience points and decide which hero to play before entering a level. Then in the level you will have to think where to put your towers, how to level them up, move your hero (some heroes require lot of attention :P)...

The levels are well designed, with a good difficulty curve. They make you learn and discover everything the game has to offer.

Visually is cute and well designed to allow the player understand what is happening in a moment.

Overall a very good game :)
Posted 15 April, 2014.
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6.1 hrs on record
I have played and completed all ACs until this one and specially enjoyed the last two games, Brotherhood and Revelations. But I can't keep playing past chapter V on this one :(

Lots and lots of cinematics, you are playing only during few parts of the game. I think it's like you are playing 20% of the time. Some cinematics tell you part of the plot but some others are a waste of time.

The gameplay is not well designed. Missions are boring and urban cities have too many guards. They will chase you even when not seeing you. While you are trying to hide, you will face a guard after each corner so will be near to impossible to run away. You will have to fight 10 guards to stop them, but you will get maximum notoriety and you will be pursued again on sight.

Even the parkour part is not funny, because you are stopping every few seconds to climb walls or after a fall or colliding with some little dispensable structure. So very bad design of the environment, without shortcuts to climb fast a building or jump from one roof to another. The challenges needed to full synchronize memories often are like a trial and error thing. Also, some challenges are easy, some challenges are too hard. The combat hasn't improved from previous ACs, the opposite, is more repetitive than ever. Batman games use the same kind of combat and are way better and funnier than this.

I could speak about the bad QTEs when fighting animals, some missions that are terrible in every way, some bugs I encountered in those few hours...
Posted 15 April, 2014.
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