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Recent reviews by one thousand kisses

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2 people found this review helpful
10.0 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
a cute little game where you collect equipment and fling your character through monsters to dismantle them block-by-block. this was one of very few mobile games i've loved enough to spend a few bucks to make ad-free, so i'm delighted to see it back in any form! mouse control feels a little more awkward than the touch controls of the original, but it's still satisfying to ricochet across the screen in an explosion of blocks, hunting down enemies to level your stash of weapons and armor for permanent upgrades. looking forward to chimera recollect becoming available as well!
Posted 3 March.
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39.8 hrs on record
la mulana shares a lot of the design sensibilities i love about the king's field series. it opens with a brutal difficulty that eases up as you get a grasp on the mechanics and logic behind the game, features secrets behind secrets while punishing you for searching too randomly (spear traps in king's field, divine retribution in la mulana) and an undercurrent of comic sadism that isn't overdone to the point of becoming irritating

i think my favorite puzzle involves getting the key sword, which isn't actually a puzzle at all and forces you to disregard the pavlovian instinct of Don't Touch That the game had been instilling in you up to that point

the remake itself is largely an improvement. the fields and puzzles are easier while the bosses have been made more challenging. i didn't care for the new bahamut fight, but the revamped baphomet and tiamat are incredible and definitely make up for it. although the new soundtrack is good, i prefer the original music, and it's possible to swap it back in with a little looking
Posted 17 August, 2013.
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2,120.6 hrs on record (1,259.9 hrs at review time)
i hit a blob with a shovel 10/10
Posted 27 December, 2011.
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8.8 hrs on record
Cool molecules that live in a cup and you can visit them any time you like. Features all your favorite atoms, and some suprising new additions to the family!
Posted 3 July, 2011.
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9.6 hrs on record
One night Komissar Vonovich hit me in head with hammer, he say to me "Get back to your drills, Todor. Your shift is not yet over. Get back and train, for the glory of the Party." Todor was accountant, not soldier. Threw many bottle and stapler that night.
Posted 24 December, 2010.
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