Aarne   Finland
Do I love gaming ...

:spel2cave: PC setup:

I have a uh.. this tower thingy made of plastic.
It has magical stuff in it.
Has lights.
Some thingies make vroomy noises sometimes.
It does magical things.

I also have these cool screens that have color on them, and they can even change them colors too!

I uh.. have this clicky thing that moves and it has a tail reaching all the way to the magical tower of plastic. This thing also moves this weird pointy thing on the screen. Man it's cool.
Has lights.

I also have another tappy thing that.. taps.. and uh.. it creates these weird symbols on the screen. And also has a tail reaching the magical tower of plastic.
Has lights.

And uh..

Oh, they run on electronicitimities! :lunar2019coolpig:
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