CPU - Ryzen 9 5950X
GPU - RTX 2070
Mouse - SS Sensei Ten
Mouse DPI - 400
Mouse Rate - 1000Hz
Keyboard - HyperX Alloy FPS
Headset - SS Arctis 7
Monitor - ASUS VG258QM 280hz
Resolution - 1280x960
Launch options - -novid -nojoy -high -w 1280 -h 960 -full -freq 280 +exec blood.cfg

faceit []

Past lans (CS 1.6):
eXanimo 2x2 LAN with DT (bloodB, DeFg)
OSI Non-Pro with de_gather (elan, hoorai, forT, iLCHIKITTA)
SKILLZ Autumn 2x2 LAN with Nqvax (bloodB, blazekinho)
SKILLZ Spring 2x2 LAN with DT (bloodB, dwarf)
SKILLZ X-Mass Cyborg 5x5 Lan with discoducks (blesssju, elansz, querty, LuCiann)
Cobra 5x5 LAN with discoducks (blessju, elansz, coldface, HmBg)
ASUS Baltic Summer 2011 Qualifier with Nqvax (blazek, zynd, h3ro1n, ciLv)
SKILLZ full non-pro Cup v3 with discoducks (blazek, blessju, elansz, querty)
SKILLZ non-pro v1 with Nqvax (blazek, zynd, h3roi1n, ciLv)
OSI Non-Pro with godvilla (blazek, zynd, elansz, ikans) "Autumn OPEN" 2010 with gSHOCK (blazek, deezy, blessju, Mar1ner)
Zurzeit online
Stunden gespielt
cl3an 14. Nov. 2022 um 12:24 
right? bananahand