Tataas   Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
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Ganja Baby 27 Jan, 2018 @ 6:27am 
Hewwo thewe X3 my name is Moonfiwe and I'm wunning fo' Pwesident of the United States :3

Fuwwies wo'ldwide have been unduh-wepwesented XwX and I am hewe to change dat OwO. I am wunning as' the Fuwwy Paw(HEHE X3)ty, and Geowge W. Bush wiww be my Vice Pwesident (Yesh he is a fuwwy too :3) Why should you vote fo' me? It's simple X3! Fuwwies awe a minowity, with wittle pawitical powah. X3. We wiww make being a fuwwy MANDATOWY, and not liking fuwwies wiww be PAWNISHABLE BY DEATH. We wiww spend govawment funding awn making machines dat can make YOU YOUR FUWSONA FOWEVAH X3! We wiww estabwish PAWmmunism acwoss the USA and take ovah the WO'LD one countwee at a time X3. I considah myself a pawdewate Democwat, BTW. And we wiww make FUWWIES GWEAT FOWEVAH. EVWYBODY WIWW BECOME A FUWWY WHETHAH THEY WIKE IT O' KNOT. VOTE FO' ME FELLOW PAWTWIOTS
Ganja Baby 5 Dec, 2017 @ 12:37pm 
76561198372310362 14 Mar, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
0 wait
76561198372310362 14 Mar, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
All people on his friends account r gay lol
76561198372310362 14 Mar, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
-rep hacker and scammer also took my anime without asking my mum