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Recent reviews by alwc37

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2.2 hrs on record
Game loads to a white screen, I can click around and select options which loads up a menu with solid bars and no text. Unable to figure out what they are or get past the white screen. My pc more then meets the required specs. Game was unplayable for me.
Posted 4 January, 2018.
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477.0 hrs on record (57.0 hrs at review time)
My play time on this game is a bit misleading, it does not contain quite a bit of it. I started back when the beta first came out as a founding member. I have seen the game evolve over time and go from being rather lackluster, to something actually worth looking into. With the last big update, we have been given Marvel Heroes 2015....in 2014. They added some nice little changes though that help with end game content, and make hero grinding a bit more bearable.

You see, the game is free to play. However all heroes can be earned in game without paying real money. Costumes on the other hand, not so much. However Heroes cost anywhere from 200-600 of a unique currency. That currency drops at a fixed rate of about 1 per 8 minutes. There are ways to adjust this, but not by much. So getting another hero, or building a roster is a very time consuming ordeal. And frankly it gets old very quickly. The content is the same each run though, but that is the same for most games. They have added new end game goals which should help with that grind.

Awhile back they added in account wide perks that unlock with each hero at set levels. This can be added damage or stats boosts that can be used with all your heroes. It gave a reason to level up those heroes you did not care for. More recently they added in the ability to earn even more account wide bonuses by using a 2nd level up system. This allows you to continue to power up your already max level heroes. So while grinding for the currency to unlock other heroes, you still feel like you are accomplishing something. While I still feel the cost for the heroes and costumes are still way to high, at least they are making the free way to earn stuff more bearable.

Like Rocket Raccoon, honestly who doesn't? You can buy Rocket for something $8....don't quote me on that. I can't remember the last time I bought a single hero. Movie Rocket though, exact same character but with a different look and different looking summon.....$21.50 if memory serves. I could be wrong, but since he is just a costume, pretty sure you need the base Rocket to use it. Buying Starlord, you get both the comic and movie costume for just under $20. It may be free to play, but chances are you will not spend much if any money seeing how high the prices are. There are also far more dlc then steam lists, most of which is purchased in game.

With that rant over, let us get back to content. You have a story that spans multiple chapters. Each chapter focusing on a different location. You do get to see some well known Marvel locals, but overall the selection feels rather lack luster. Game starts off on "The Raft" which is a shield operated prison, and rather cool. Then you go to "Hells Kitchen, New Jersey, and Madripoor" Or basically city based maps. While Madripoor does have some slums, and Jersey is based on the docks....the environment don't really have much creativity in them. Then you are going through another city, and finally you get to go to Latveria, and the Savage Lands. The most creative level is probably Asgard which was added in a expansion. Still though even with its colorful and fantasy based landscapes, it still feels rather dull. After going through Cities and some Sewers, finally seeing some snow doesn't really make up for the slump that the game faces in getting there.

So if the story mode is rather lacking after the first play though, and even somewhat then...what are we to focus on? Well there are other options for leveling your heroes, and frankly they are better options. You have a survival mode where you and a team fight endless waves of increasing toughness at the x-mansion. There is a open instance mode where you and whoever else shows up fight endless spawning baddies with bosses or a treasure event tossed in every 3ish minutes after completion. And there are mission terminals where you can get specific missions that are geared towards higher difficulties and team play. For what ever reason I have not spent much time on these, I usually just go into the open instance one and play around for a hour or so. Recently they have added daily missions that allow you to have a goal while playing these mods. Today I had to kill 1k people, 8 bosses, rescue 24 civilians and a few other things. It sounds minor, but having a goal really does make the game better.

I have no idea how many heroes are in this game now....a lot. I don't have 6 or 7 of them....and I have not spent much time with half of the ones I do have. One thing I do like though, if a hero is lackluster and under powered, that gets fixed. I have Rocket Raccoon, I had him long before the movie got popular. He was awful and not worth using, low damage and died easily. I logged back in today and decided to try him again after a few months. Suddenly he is a powerhouse. He still has low defense, but I was dealing good damage and he was fun to use. The devs look at the feedback on the official forums, and they fix their issues. That is the highest praise you can give a game like this. It is constantly evolving and fixing itself.

So why the game has some negatives, Cost and unimaginative level designs. It also has many positives that far outweigh those. End game goals and a way to keep upping your maxed heroes. A large diverse roster where the heroes really do feel unique and different for the most part. Good visuals and some fun modes outside of the story. Constantly updated, and Devs who truly care about the game and the player base. The game has changed so much since its launch, and even since the last time I reviewed it. They keep adding new stuff from sidekicks to a entire new story chapter. For awhile I felt as if I could not recommend this game. Now I feel like to a marvel fan, I could not recommend it enough. It is free, and yes the Heroes are expensive. But if you think about what you spend on a normal game, putting same 50$ forward to buy the Guardians of the galaxy pack doesn't sound like a bad investment at that point. Pay a one time fee, consider it you purchasing the game, and start with your favorite heroes already unlocked.

As a side note, I do not know who you get when you start the game. When I first started it was a choice between storm, scarlet witch, thing, or hawkeye. I believe though that the choice has changed, but I have no idea what the current option is.
Posted 8 August, 2014.
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1.1 hrs on record
I bought this game when it first came out on the consoles. I was excited for it, as I was a big DS II fan. However this game plays nothing like its predecessor. That was a dungeon crawler similar to Neverwinter or even a team orientated Diablo. This is more of a straight action game. Each person has two weapons, and that is it. You never get a different type of weapon for them, only upgrades. What this means is combat is the same for the duration of the game. You do aquire different abilties, but that is about it. That would be fine if the combat was fun, however it never really managed that for me. In the last DS game you had a wide creative range on how to build your hero, in this one you are forced into a path depending on which avatar you want to play. If each hero had a unique story mode this might be worth it, however they all follow the same quests and maps. The only real difference is some conversation options, and a few videos. Think left 4 dead or dead island, there are different characters but the story is the same for everybody.

I got this game on steam for free, so I installed it hoping after not playing DS II for years I would be more receptive to it. Not the case, the same issues still bother me. It feels like a shallow game to me, and a wasted opertunity. If you played the first two games, pass on this one. It will just bother you how different it feels.
Posted 31 July, 2014.
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4.7 hrs on record
Fairly Early on review. Posting simply in case somebody with the game on their wishlist sees it, before the summer sale ends.

Odd concepts that so far do not equal a truly great game. Non Re-spawning enemies is a odd choice, when adding in the permadeath of your troops, being able to grind the new ones up to a suitable level feels like a needed feature. King's Bounty instead teaches you to take better care of them, and will have you re-loading after a hard fought battle, simply because you did not win it with acceptable losses.

The story is interesting, but presented in text conversations that tend to go on and on....if you are like me, and reading is not something you tend to do in games, you may find yourself simply skipping everything and just following your quest marker. I am honestly not sure what is going on in my game, but the opening video and story seemed like a nice concept. Dimensional travel, in search of possible time travel....or maybe I didn't pay enough attention and have that wrong.

Lots of different troops, each playing slightly different in battle. Fights are turn based, and take place on a hex board. Some boards will have obstacles in your path, and you and your enemy will also have the ability to spawn more if need be. Your hero does not actually fight however, but simply gives orders and casts magic. While that was certainly disappointing, it does not detract to much from it. Fights are tense, but do tend to take awhile once the enemy starts piling up large amounts of troops.

The fights are made easier by the inclusion of a dragon you are given at the start of the game. You can summon it every other turn to do multiple things. Great damage, build walls, pick up treasure, give more magic, and more. Have a hard foe, or a enemy taking pot shots at you from long range? Just let the dragon kill them, no real strategy needed. While he does feel cheap, I did enjoy using him.

This reminds me of a board game. You move your pieces around, and try to out think or out maneuver your opponent. I am only on the 3rd Island, but so far the AI does not seem to be the greatest. They tend to consider how each troop acts, but not how to use them with the other units in their army. Terrain also seems to confuse them, though it may only be due to how early in the game I am. Most of the challenge thus far has come from the large numbers or troops, instead of their tactics. They tend to just rush me with melee, and have the mages or archers stay back.

Game looks very dated, almost reminds me of World of Warcraft when it first launched. It still looks decent though, and it is very vibrant and colorful. No real issues on that end, and I like the cartoonish look of everything.

The game so far has been enjoyable, and there are cheat codes you could resort to if the permadeath becomes a issue. So I would say don't let that and not being able to grind keep you from trying it out. The price is decent, and I have easily gotten my moneys worth with as little as I have played so far. I would say the biggest enjoyment is trying out all the different troops and seeing what each one can do. Then trying to build a hero around supporting them.
Posted 30 June, 2014.
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