Ostatnie 2 tygodnie:

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2 z 15 (13%) osiągnięć zdobytych:
Osiągnięcia gracza

Welcome Home!

Place your farm for the first time
Odblokowano: 1 października o 12:53

So It Begins

Buy your first field
Odblokowano: 4 października o 10:24

Machine Enthusiast

Buy every vehicle in the game

Farmer's Apprentice

Finish the tutorial

Storage Master

Own every storage building at least once


Become insolvent

Growing Slowly I

Play for 10 years
0 / 10

Growing Slowly II

Play for 50 years
10 / 50

Growing Slowly III

Play for 80 years
50 / 80

A Good Partnership I

Complete 1 contract
0 / 1

A Good Partnership II

Complete 10 contracts
1 / 10

A Good Partnership III

Complete 30 contracts
10 / 30

Professional Farmer I

Harvest 1 crop with a crop health over 90%
0 / 1

Professional Farmer II

Harvest 15 crops with a crop health over 90%
1 / 15

Profession Farmer III

Harvest 50 crops with a crop health over 90%
10 / 50