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Recent reviews by Mina

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
1 person found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record
Beautiful game with intuitive puzzles. It's not long and very relaxing.
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
27.4 hrs on record
In general i liked it.
It is kinda basic leaning into "clasic". Sakura (MC) has a very defined personality, she is not a blank slate for self insert nor stupid as a lot of MC tend to be. I liked the characters in general and enjoy most of the routes and epilogues (especially Henry's epligue... loved it).

As counterpoint, yeah the translation is bad (im not a native english speaker but i could undertand it just fine... the random mixed pronoums throw me off sometimes). And for specific quests in some routes were difficult to follow bc there's no indicator of progress.

About the routes:
Ye's route is the bad boy route and could contain some situations were he is a little forceful. It was ok.
I had my hopes on Cristopher's route. It wasn't bad but it wasn't really satisfying and the epilogue was the same, it felt incomplete. While the others show you the aftermath and how life went for the couple.
Posted 5 April, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
533.4 hrs on record (373.8 hrs at review time)
Amazing fps-rpg. Love to play it with my friends over and over.
I liked that any character could use any type of gun, all the Easter eggs and inner funny jokes in it and the dlcs add more story and lore.
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
62.1 hrs on record
I love this game.
First thing that called my attention was the art. The use of colours and style. Just beautiful.
It's story oriented, so the gameplay is easy get through and its like a basic rpg, nothing complex or weird, pretty straight forward and basic skill tree.
The story made me think of "Pan's Labyrinth" (Guillermo del toro's movie) its sweet and magical but as an adult you see the parts of real life and you know how sad it is (it's not that violent or gruesome like the movie... it's more saddening).
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.3 hrs on record
I'm ok with kinetic VN because they tend to have a worthwhile story or they're short and funny... this is not the case.
It have wall of texts, the main character isn't consistent, sometimes it plays at shy, sometimes he is a player and the story didn't do it for me
Posted 16 May, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
121.9 hrs on record (89.0 hrs at review time)
Excelente juego! Me encanto encontrarme con personajes del 1 (Wrex es lo más).
Personajes sumamente memorables, la facilidad para compenetrarse con la trama viene de las propias decisiones del jugador, la música y pelea final simplemente épicas.
Posted 19 June, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries