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If music it's your thing, then this game it's for you.
Audiosurf 2 it's truly the best sequel to the original flash game "Audiosurf" or "Audiosurf 1" and one among the best rhythm-based games. Why? because unlike most of rhythm-based games that locks you on developer interaction to get the most of each level and new levels, Audiosurf 2 let you, the player, all the freedom to use any song of any platform and format avaliable, and the level will generate itself using a complex mathematical algorithm meaning that every song, every sound, every instrument and every word will have a place inside a level, inside your game, there are no limits on what you can put inside, everything depends on your personal preferences.
There are infinite ways to play this game, combining the active modding community and the crecent numbers of songs avaliable each day and you'll get one of the most dynamic and fun game avaliable today. If a game mode it's too complicated for you, just switch it for another of the thousands avaliable, if flying a spaceship isn't for you, you can always try a bullet-hell without leaving the game, if the level coloring it's too boring, you can add flashy stuff and epilepsy-inducing tunnels to spice on your gameplay, the choose resides on you.
Audiosurf 2 has truly demostrated it's potential on entertainment, and I look forward to the arrival of Audiosurf 3.
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:aidolstar: 𝖬𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌 ! :feena: :aidolstar:
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