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16 av 28 (57%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Play your first game.
Upplåst 7 jul, 2020 @ 11:50

Online Party!

Play a game online.
Upplåst 7 jul, 2020 @ 11:50

The Gang's All Here

Play a local game with 3 other friends.
Upplåst 21 aug, 2020 @ 6:02

Violent Delights

Find and return the Maze trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 6:59

The Arena

Find and return the Arena trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 7:07

Anju's Quest

Find and return the Chicken trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 1 okt, 2020 @ 2:15

Hardcore Parkour

Find and return the Treetops trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 7:02

You Win, Or You Die

Find and return the Throne trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 7:03

The Treasure You Seek

Find and return the Cave trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 14:03

Throat of the World

Find and return the Mountain trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 13:50

In Crust We Trust

Find and return the Pizza trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 14:06


Find and return the Ghost trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 8 jul, 2020 @ 6:59

Oooh, Shiny!

Find and return the Gem trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 28 sep, 2020 @ 10:37

Gotta Go Fast

Find and return the Ring trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 21 aug, 2020 @ 7:20

Eat My Dust

Find and return the Race trophy to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 21 aug, 2020 @ 7:25

The Greatest Goober

Find and return all the trophies to the Hall of Goobers.
Upplåst 1 okt, 2020 @ 2:16

You Only Live Once.

Complete the Gauntlet without dying.

Party Hard

Play 10 games.
2 / 10

Party Animal

Play 100 games.
2 / 100

Party Pro

Win 10 games.
0 / 10

Party Master

Win 100 games.
0 / 100

Party Novice

Win 5 games.
0 / 5

One Hundred Thousand

Accumulate more than 100,000 total points.
8,879 / 100,000


Accumulate more than 1,000,000 total points.
8,879 / 1,000,000


Play a perfect game, getting 1000 points in every minigame.

Pick Your Poison

Drink after every minigame for a full game.

Spring Cleaning

Get the couch out the front door.


Die a total of 100 times in The Gauntlet.
0 / 100