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1 person found this review helpful
13.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I have made so many friends in this game with the power of L O V E!
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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250.1 hrs on record (85.6 hrs at review time)
50 games with gameplay time that ranges from 10 mins to multiple hours for only $25? It's one hell of a deal these days with some games being $60 with only 2 hours of gameplay.

There's a handful of different genres in here such as-
beat 'em up
action platformer
tower defense
ninjas and cowboys
illegal horse race betting
jump walrus

You may not like all the games. But that's okay, there's 49 other games you can play. It's a box of chocolates, not an apple pie so you can have some chocolates you don't like. It's like downloading a romset of an old console and giving them all a try without knowing anything about the games. It's quite exciting!

Each game does tell you what buttons does what so it's not like you're blind to the controls. Enjoy messing around and exploring in the games, you're not meant to have your hand held for a 1 hour tutorial level where there's constant pop-ups about how to move your character and end with earning an achievement for completing the tutorial. No, we didn't have those in the 80's. Or the 90's either.

Some of these games will be quite hard for the average player, especially those who didn't grow up on the 8-16 bit era. And that's fine, take your time to try different techniques or another game. You don't have to beat all of them. Your steam library certainly doesn't have all the games on there with 100% achievements, so don't claim this game's bad because some games are tough. They were hard because buying games were a real commitment and they didn't want you to one and done it in 15 minutes. They weren't like today's potato chips of games, they were meals.

This game's for those who love to explore strange bitesize games and fond of 8-bit games other than Mario.
Those who miss their Gameboy Color.
Those who have patience and the courage to keep trying after dying.
Those who miss drawing out a map on paper to beat a game.
Those who really want to play more games with space dudes and aliens in 8-bits and not 40k-bits.
Posted 22 September, 2024.
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3.3 hrs on record
I am filled with the lust to kill germs and people for minimum wage!
Posted 14 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.4 hrs on record
An absolutely fun li'l shmup! The stages and bosses orders are randomized so it keeps gameplay nice and fresh! One boss may feel like a breeze in the earlier stages but could be a real Karen nightmare on the last stage!

It might take you a few tries to beat the game due to low firepower but after a few upgrades, you'll be zooming about with a few tricks up your sleeve! You're forced to get a 1CC to beat the game but it's relatively short, around 15 minutes to beat but will def take longer depending on how many upgrades you buy and learning the bosses. So about a 1 hour for a shmup pro and 2-3 hours for casual players.

Unfortunately no score, but you can try to go for speed! Or simply enjoy a comfy shmup that focuses more on react dodging than pattern memorization. The Kurses and Kushions are a fun way to mix things up by making the game harder or easier in different ways.

Pretty easy shmup that's perfect for beginners! The only negative I have about this game is that I wish the ship was a more noticeable different color because sometimes I lose track of it when things get busy on the screen,
Posted 26 September, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
23.0 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
You can be a poop.

Best game ever to play while high or drunk AF.

Sure there's some philosophy stuff in it but it's fun to chill and just roam around making giant herds of random things and making noise.
Posted 14 August, 2023.
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2.7 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
An absolute delight and easy to jump into bullet hell game. You can play it for free on mobile if you wanna try out a demo but the desktop version is well worth the money if you're into bullet hells like Touhou, Crimzon Clover, and Cave games. Chapter mode eases you into the game, but you might run into walls early on because you can't focus on leveling up only one type of weapon and bomb. But the grinding for AP is rather quick and fun with stages ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes long. It's fun figuring out how to clear all the challenges in each stage. Like a fun puzzle in a shmup!

There's also the more arcade-like Challenge mode that's split into stages that lets you run at full power. The game is bright with lots of bullets on the screen but it's handled well enough to not be overwhelming and everything is clear to see. Plus the music's banging! All you can really ask for in a bullet hell shmup!
Posted 20 July, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
9.5 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
A wonderfully drawn dystopian story about the burden of carrying everyone's lives on your shoulders. The music is amazing, hitting story beats whenever you reach certain areas or events happen- highly recommend playing with headphones. Do not expect the traditional collection of puzzles and items to collect like a Monkey Island adventure, this is not one of those days. It's an open story told through a video game, so if you're into story telling media- this will hit that note. No, nothing is fully explained in the game, but it makes it very interesting to think about after beating it and come up with your own theories.
Overall a wonderful storytelling experience.
Posted 22 April, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
"I always wanted a thing called tuna sashimi!"

M2 has done it again! Another amazing arcade port! Out of all the arcade games out there, Darius' arcade collection is one that works best on PC due to multi-monitor support or ultra wide monitor for Darius I and Darius II's 3-2 monitor wide resolution. These comes with both normal mode and a practice mode that lets you set your power level for your first life. If you die, you downgrade as usual, so... don't die!

Also it's amazing to play with the sound and music at the proper volumes for Darius II and Gaiden and because it's been a problem with other accessible versions.

Sadly, this is missing Gaiden Extra version. I have no idea why since it was an official release by Taito rather than a custom mod. Gaiden Extra does have decent sound on... other accessible methods though so it's no big loss.

Totally worth the price for any Darius fan!
Posted 27 December, 2021.
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22.4 hrs on record (14.4 hrs at review time)
If you're a fan of classic 16-bit console or arcade beat 'em ups like Streets of Rage and Final Fight- this game will grab those feels and suplex it on the ground! Captures the heart of those games in both gameplay and art style. And by the work of one programmer/artist and musician! No need for AAA giganto teams to drag down good games!

Combat's rather simple but you can string up satisfying combos for chunky damage. Your special/desperation move charges up quickly and won't drain your health when it's ready, but if you use it when it's not charged- well, there goes a wee bit of your health as typical desperation move rules.

You can set the graphics filters to look like a CTR screen or have it crispy and clean sprites. There's also an option for smoothed out pixels if you're one of those weirdos who uses those filters on Genesis/SNES emulators.

There's over 50 endings but the difference is only various lines of text depending on what path and characters you play with. This game's more about the journey and beating up a buncha baddies! Play a RPG or something if you want story!

Why are you still reading this? Buy the game and punch a rat thug!
Posted 24 February, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
26.1 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
Girl Trevor is best Vampire Slayer
Posted 21 March, 2020.
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