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283.6 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
Um...I'm a 42 year old man. I played this until, like, 3 in the morning on a Friday. Yeah, that about says it all.
Posted 26 November, 2022.
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567.3 hrs on record (249.5 hrs at review time)
Dragon Quest XI is simply my favorite game of all time, and this is the definitive edition. At first I was upset that this was a standalone game rather than DLC, but after playing the 2D mode I realized that it was worth a second purchase. If you're on the fence, just do it. The additional content is not necessarily all that fun but it's worth it for the nostalgia factor.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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63.6 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
Game crashes every 30 minutes. I'd really enjoy it if it didn't, but no game is worth that.
Posted 13 June, 2020.
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203.8 hrs on record (119.8 hrs at review time)
This is simply the finest turn-based JRPG ever made, and this is coming from someone who at age 8 saved every penny he found on the ground and put it into a piggy bank to be able to purchase the original Final Fantasy. One could say I'm a JRPG nut.

I put 110 hours into my first playthrough, though one could likely beat it in 70. The sidequests are fetch-questy but the rewards are always decent.

Incredibly fun and a must buy for anyone who likes Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy style games.

I hope we get DQ XII before 2030.
Posted 24 February, 2020.
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16.7 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
I cannot recommend this game due to the number of crashes. The difficulty is in trying to figure out what discoveries I need to rediscover due to the most recent crash.

Bonus: on the last crash, my save file was corrupted and the game asked me to start a new journey.

Posted 16 November, 2019.
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238.4 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
This is hard to write because I absolutely love FFVIII. This review will assume you are familiar with the game and are considering purchasing the remastered version to re-play the game you love.

Unfortunately for us PC gamers, *this* is the best legal version we can get unmodded.

I have dumped the .ISO file from my original PS1 game and emulated it on ePSXe and it is glorious, but I'm not certain of the legality (it should totally be legal to play my own game).

So this is what we get - a half hearted remake.


I haven't read any specs or anytning, so this is just what it appears to me to be new.

-All main characters have new HD models and they look nice, though Squall's hair is a bit off.
-It must be said that all prerendered backgrounds have *not* been upgraded. You're getting cool new character models on top of blurry backgrounds
-All Tetra Master cards have new HD models
-Monsters have new HD models
-The original PS1 score is included, but it's buggy as heck. The game has twice randomly dropped all sound effects and reverted to the awful original PC MIDI score for no darn reason
-Guardian Forces have new FANTASTIC HD scenes
-Cheats and 3X speedup

TLDR; You're getting a port of the FFVIII PC version with new HD models and the same old blurry backgrounds. You're getting some cheats and a speed-up.

This should've been $9.99 DLC for the original rather than a $19.99 stand alone.

Try harder, please, Squeenix.
Posted 12 September, 2019. Last edited 12 September, 2019.
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139.0 hrs on record (30.1 hrs at review time)
EDIT 2: I fired this game up for the first time in two years and...no crashing so far! However, I'm now limited to a 1028X720 resolution, which is utterly ridiculous in the time of 4K, even considering this game came out in '18.

EDIT: I can no longer recommend this game until the bugs have been patched. I have tried to complete the final area three times, and each time the game has crashed.

I'm not certain where these negative reviews are coming from, but I pre-ordered this game and couldn't be happier. It allows 2560X1440 resolution in full screen for me, the frame rate is just fine and the combat is very smooth.

For fans of the SNES version, there are fun call backs to the original, such as Randi shaking the treasure chest before he opens it, the dancing shopkeepers and the mini-maps being screenshots of the SNES maps.

The cutscenes play a bit slow and the voice acting is kind of lame, but it fits.

The analog control allows so much more freedom than the original, but the interface is the same.

Buy this game if you are a fan of the original; don't even think about it.
Posted 15 February, 2018. Last edited 18 February, 2020.
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6.9 hrs on record
Much like "To the Moon," Kan Gao has created something more than a game; it truly is an experience. You owe it to yourself to be entertained by "Finding Paradise." Go get every Freebird Games game and you'll see why we love it so much.
Posted 21 December, 2017.
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0.8 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
The resolution defaults to 1080 and looks worse than Atari 2600. Player 2 defaults to keyboard control. There is no way to change either of these. Such a waste since these games are so amazing.

Stay away.
Posted 5 February, 2017.
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66.6 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
You will not stop until you are done. It's that good.
Posted 26 December, 2013.
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