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3 people found this review helpful
19.1 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Thoroughly pleased so far, a beautiful representation of the franchise both in visuals and narrative. The gameplay at times can feel tanky and plodding but that is very much the point considering we're playing as a hunk of metal on legs with a flesh-disintegrating sidearm.

There are some quirks with the game outside of the main gun-play, very bog standard progression and very shallow fetch quests sit aside the main story, but there are some genuinely funny small stories to witness that capture both the cynicism and the satirical nature of the franchise.

The game can feel and is clunky, however for something of this quality to be released in the current year at a price lower than most other titles of a similar nature I can't help but feel satisfied so far. If first-person shooters are your jam and you've a hankering for Robocop (yes, I'm including Prime Directives as that's what I grew up with) you'll be entertained for certain - it's more so a question of whether you feel the price is worthwhile considering the lack of groundbreaking mechanics or intuitive gameplay.

So very standard, but also so very well put together considering the absolute lack of content available for the IP currently. Hopeful for some future DLC if at all possible (and maybe a Cable skin?)
Posted 3 November, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Honestly if you've been in two minds about this game because of social media zeitgeist you've already enough reason to give it a try.

The art is GORGEOUS (merch pls), and evokes a fun playful yet grim atmosphere when watching Andrew and Ashley interact with eachother. The sprites for characters felt like they popped out more during navigation, but that's a minor nitpick which could very well be a limitation of the engine used here.

The game is written in a bleak but fun way with an endearing dynamic between the protagonists. It's also very explicit when you make a decision as to whether you want to save and head back to redo it, even more explicit when it comes to taking a route with "that" taboo everyone's making noise about.

The only criticism I'd have through my singular (kinda) playthrough is that the penultimate choice before things get more socially unacceptable than sacrificing your parents souls changes the dynamic of Andrew and Ashley's relationship to be a lot less fun, and a lot more cynical. Maybe thats the aim of that route, but I do like the wholesome teasing/playfulness that comes from taking the more suspect route. Just personal preference, but I'd like hugs and cheating at throwing your parent's skulls as far as possible off of a bridge without needing to dream about getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥ down by your brother .

The puzzles are a very light challenge but involved enough it doesn't feel tedious, it's actually somewhat satisfying clearing up after a messy afternoon with your neighbour and any other victims you cross paths with.

Definitely recommended to those who are fans of the occult, grotesque, dystopian, ironic... and yes, of incest .
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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25.3 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Game is cool, pretty, and challenging. I've really enjoyed the decal creator alongside the customisation of your AC's.

That said, it also has a knack for getting on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerves. I get that's the intention, but for all the value I get elsewhere in the game, having it shat on by a boss that's a guessing game as to how to tackle is a bit of a let down. I'd love to get massively invested in the world of AC6 but the barrier to entry shoots up quicker than the fanboys will with the clown awards for this review.

I'm all for earning progression but even after doing as the game encourages by constantly iterating on my AC to suit the battle I'm stuck at, moving nowhere is getting to levels of infuriating I haven't felt since I was a poorly tempered teenager trying to play COD.

Perhaps I need to give it more time (50% of my time in-game is creating decals), and keep on trying with the boss I'm stuck on, but even after stooping to "EZPZ BEAT BALTEUS QUICK!" guides and still failing it's beginning to feel like FromSoftware's typical production of minimal accessibility for which their goons justify by telling you to "git gud" - lacking the hindsight to realise that some people are inherently unable to master fine motor skills or perception in stressful situations.
Posted 10 September, 2023.
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24.7 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)

Appears this game isn't going to be getting the post-launch support that was needed, and suggested. A shame really, but if the game isn't going to be improved then there's no way I can recommend this considering the pre-existing issues.


Once you manage to get into the mindset of how the game wants you to approach combat, this can become an incredibly fun strategy game similar to the more prevalent titles available. The customisation between mechs is superb (though more colour palettes wouldn't go amiss!) and some of the weapons are massively satisfying to have land.

I've only liberated one sector of the map, and it seems like the kind of game you need to be in the long-haul for as there is A LOT of work to be done on the players part. Some further variance in environments would bring some much needed freshness as the game progresses, as whilst it's nice to approach the limited spaces from different angles of attack (different starting positions, turrets placed randomly at bases) some true variance in scenery would help make the game feel more developed.

Some spaces like ravines/large bodies of water could add not only some visual and tactical differences, but gameplay too since traversal with the mechs can be so varied - perhaps we could see the addition of some airbourne mechs too?
Posted 8 March, 2023. Last edited 30 June, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
Whilst branded as an organising game, it's more of a puzzle game which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that the puzzles are often nonsensical. The solutions do not always align with how an individual may organise things, and since that is a subjective matter the fact there is only ever one solution to a level leads to frustration when attempting to play.

A cute concept, but not all that well executed - for the asking price I would've expected a much more cohesive experience that allowed for different expressions when choosing how to solve each level.
Posted 6 December, 2022. Last edited 6 December, 2022.
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9 people found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
Unfortunately I Am Fish has fallen a little flat for me. The concept is great, and the setting really amusing and inviting, however the inconsistent game mechanics really let it down. The level design and gameplay of the goldfish is fine, even though it feels a bit slow - it works.

When attempting to try the flying fish is where the inconsistencies arose. It's very difficult to reliably get the flying fish to actually fly, and a lot of the time this isn't down to player error, but what appears to be a poor transition between the swimming and flying states. You'll be unable to get enough speed to fly, or "hit" something when jumping out the water which will then cause the flight to be cancelled as you roll down a hill out of your control.

The puffer fish suffered the same, but to a lesser degree. There were times where it would seemingly deflate for no reason just after activating the ability, and the fish becomes considerably difficult to control once inflated. The first level for the puffer fish is not too well telegraphed either, it's quite unclear which path/s you should be taking, and often leads to the player throwing themselves in the complete wrong direction solely because they cannot see past the horizon.

I'd love to even leave comments about the Piranha but by the time it would've come to trying it I hadn't much hope left for the game. It'd be so easily understandable if this game was in early access, but to release this as a finished title is somewhat... hopeful.
Posted 23 September, 2021.
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It's considerably better than it's "paid counterpart", which is all there is to say really. The visuals appear much cleaner than expected, and the gameplay is just as you'd expect, albeit with some relatively monotonous map design (I love hexagons, but I know when too many is too many).

The addition of "roles" make for very interesting games, particularly with the lovers role when one lover is a Goose, and the other a Duck. Some of the tasks are different and interesting, however more variance and interesting tasks would be much appreciated. The colour slider where you need to match all the lights to green is nice, though may be a point of contention amongst the colour-blind community.

F2P aspects are unobtrusive as there's no P2W features, just cosmetics, which for a free game are easily acceptable in my eyes. Some more affordable cosmetics would be nice, as well as colour options for them, but with the only funding for the game being from microtransactions, it's more than understandable why things can be expensive as they are.
Posted 19 June, 2021.
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25.8 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
"Twice the pride, double the fall"

Well after a seemingly long wait, HuniePop returns, with fanfare to some and dismay to others. If you're wondering whether you will enjoy the game - there are a few things to take note of really.

Did you enjoy the first HuniePop? (Are you into anime fanny and the dirty jokes of a 14 year old?)
Are you here for puzzles or poon? (Heh, pp)
Did you prefer style or detail?
Are archetypes your thing, or are they annoying?

The game expands upon the initial gameplay of the first title by having you date two girls simultaneously. Initially this seems to be an easy feat, though as soon as baggage starts to make an appearance you'll need to plan your moves more methodically. The further depth to the puzzle mechanics is an appealing factor to those who enjoy the puzzles themselves, though folks who saw the puzzles as a hurdle between them and anime titties may feel the renewed experience ♥♥♥♥-blocks them.

At times the thrust into a double date can seem somewhat forced. I understand that the HunieBee can recognise a match already because l o g i c however I along with others feel the opportunity to date girls as singles would not only have been a great way to pad out the game, but allow people to decide whether they like a girl for who they are - as opposed to who they play well with.

Stamina and the passion/sentiment split between both girls makes juggling during the dates an interesting challenge at times, as you'll find yourself setting up a big combo only to find the girl who will benefit most has little stamina remaining - forcing your attention on the second to regenerate stamina without disrupting the pieces you set up previously.

Date gifts are likely one of the only game-centric mechanics that in my opinion may have been unnecessarily changed. There's now an abundance of date gifts that have various different effects on the puzzles you play - though the majority may be pushed to the wayside for a gift that provides a more familiar benefit. Having them split up into different sectors and bought with different seeds is nice, but there seems to be no apparent distinction between each selection.

The art is a bit of a soft spot for some too. The first release had a more stylised approach for all in-game interactions, with the CG's vastly improving the detail - the line between the two has been blurred for this release. Personally I like that there is more detail in the representations of the characters that you spent more time with, and it makes the resulting CG's feel more consistent with the character's appearance. I am very impressed with the file size of the game too, approx 800mb means that it's one of the least likely targets to get uninstalled if a user falls low on hard drive space.

Regarding characters, HuniePop has always been a game about stereotypes, it's where half of the jokes are spun off from - however HP2 relies on stereotypes a tad too heavily in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I adore the designs for Lillian, Zoey, Ashley and other characters, however there's a distinct lack of "normal" girls available. From who I've met, you could argue Lailani is one of the most normal girls, however she still plays off of the Polynesian or "asian but not Japanese" trope which Sarah only emphasises. Whilst still stereotypes, girls like Tiffany, Kyanna and Nikki felt more grounded in the first release, and helped draw a nice contrast between themselves and the more bombastic characters like Audrey, Jessie and Kyu.

Ultimately, like most games the only way you'll know if you like HuniePop 2: Double Date is to take the plunge and play it yourself. Unfortunately it's going to take more than 2 hours to really figure out whether you'll enjoy the game, so the time investment alongside the less likelihood of a refund may be a turn off for some. If you are sceptical, perhaps waiting for a sale in the coming year will be the best option. I've recommended the game because I like it - and that's as simple as can be really. If you like it, you'll like it - but if the concerns with other subjects of the game put you off, either waiting for a sale or not buying at all will likely be your best option.

Regarding the games future though? I don't see why there couldn't be DLC introduced further down the line that reprises some more girls from previous games. Inna De Poona is a holiday resort after all, and it wouldn't be difficult to write some visits from the old girls in.
Posted 9 February, 2021.
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29.7 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
I'm not gonna pretend this is an impeccable experience, however as someone who grew up enjoying the prequel trilogy as well as the original trilogy on worn out, pirated VHS tapes I'll say this certainly managed to recapture some of the feelings I first had when absorbing myself into the Star Wars universe.

The combat was the perfect level of complexity for someone who really enjoys games, but only plays to a casual level like myself. You can button mash sure, but the real efficiency in combat comes from pacing yourself and making good use of your abilities - only then will you really get that satisfying feeling like you're dealing damage or preventing a butt-load of hurt.

The story is a pretty simple "chase the macguffin" but come on, it's Star Wars - we're here for deep lore, not necessarily the deepest storytelling. It was nice to see some more expansion on things like the history of the Jedi, Inquisitors and some alien races that aren't really covered much in the films.

If you're expecting a fun game to put some hours into casually, with all the flashy lights and whooshy sounds that come alongside any Star Wars media, you'll likely be pleased. If you're expecting the most hardcore action game which hinges a lot on refined combat mechanics - maybe skip, unless you really like laser swords and have a tolerance for the occasional bit of BS.
Posted 14 July, 2020.
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1.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is genuinely fun, and very polished for an early-access title. Only things letting it down are a lack of content (and pretty harsh paywall for customisation - if you're out early you'll only earn 1-3 coins), and the networking. I've had quite a few issues with rubber banding across the map, meaning I've ran away from my own bomb, only to be teleported back to where I left it as soon as it detonates.
Posted 16 May, 2020.
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