Mark "Makka "Makkas" Buse" Karbine   Canada

"Remind me to never play public mge again." - Shiny, 2019

How the hell do you track people?

Past Expierence:

RGL 6s
s1 - Invite - Sub Demo - Dunk Masters - DUNK - 2-8
s2 - Invite - Sub Demo - Dunk Masters - DUNK - 2-12
s3 - Div 1 - Sub Demo - Kronge Realm Black - _YAMBO - 14-2; 3rd place
s4 - Invite - Sub Demo - Witness Gaming - wG - 6-9
s5 - Forgot to roster
s6 - Invite - Sub Demo - GlobalClan Ice - GCI - 12-6; 4th place

s22 - Open - Demo - SixSigma; Six_ - 6-10
s24 - Open - Demo - Meatshot Lovers; +Pizza - 6-10
s25 - Open - Demo - National Bank Of Makka; Makka$$ - 11-5; 0-1
s26 - Open - Demo - Frick eSports; FrickMy - 10-6; 0-1
s27 - IM - Demo - Frick And Da Boys - FrickMy - 4-12
s28 - Open - Demo - NOIR Esports - NOIR - 13-3; 1-1
s29 - IM - Demo - Kraft Makk N Cheese - nCheez - 8-8
s30 - IM - Demo - Dunk Masters - DUNK - 14-2; 2-1; 2nd Place
s31 - Invite - Demo - Scuffed froyotech - FROYO - 3-13

s1 - Adv - Sub Demo - BM=BAE; ♥♥♥♥ happened idk
s2 - Adv - Demo - S.H.I.T. - Cute^ - 6-3; 1-1; 3rd Place - All-star demo runner up
s3 - Adv - Demo - The Money Team - TMT - 6-3; 2nd Place - same as above^
s4 - Invite - Sub Demo - S.H.I.T. - 3-4
s5 - Invite - Sub Demo - DOOR - 4-3
s6 - Invite - Sub Demo - Squirtyay - 5-2

UGC 6s
s17 - Iron - Pocket - Planetary Alignment; |P||A| 5-3
s18 - Steel - Scout/Pocket - Planetary Alignment; |P||A| - 5-3
s19 - Steel - Scout - A Pizza Party; | APP - 4-4
s20 - Silver - Backup - A Pizza Party; | APP - 3-5
s21 - Silver - Demo - Smooth Jazz; 4-4
s22 - Silver - Backup - APP Reborn; Dunno, but did well

s16 - Steel - Engie - Mind 0ver Matter; -{M|M}- - 4-2
s17 - Steel - Demo - Pancake Pals; Pal- - 4-4
s18 - Steel - Soldier / Demo - Squanto Squad; 10-1 (2nd place)
s19 - Silver - Backup - Cafe; 4-4

UGC 4s
s5 - Steel - The Dickers; _B69 - 6-4

RGB4 LAN - Drunk Masters - 7th

TFTV EU Weekly Series #1 Powered by FACEIT - 5-8th place (lul)

Quick 5K []

Saving for when i need to use it again:

Frag vid 1

December 14, 2018: Shiny finally paid me back

What I'm high on []

Number of times someone has used "bald" as an insult: too many to count

"suffer in silence, go crawl back under the rock you came under, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die alone you stupid piece of ♥♥♥♥"

"I am conceding that _Makkabeus is the best demo in Kingston, Ontario" - Mad61, 2017

"being good at this game only gains me respect from ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who have no social capabilities besides calling each other mean words on the internet"
Currently Online
One of those glorious quote walls
"You're chinese? I thought you were Canadian?!" -Console on Denny, 2016

"You're the farm king" - Shiny, 2016

"You're a demo mge lord" - Shiny, 2017

"guys we need a ringer"
"I can get makka"
"who's makka?"
"the demo I was mentoring but is actually better than me" -Jojo to the OK Kids, 2018

"Soon enough "Library of TF2Gress" will not be an accurate title. It will need a promotion to: "The AI Run TF2 Player Super Database" for all the players who don't know you, but you know more about them than the US government." - XBS, 2018

"Butterscotch makes my ♥♥♥♥ hard" - dorito_jim, 2018

"I'm okay with people ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ horses, as long as it was consentual" - Unit, 2018

"I'm the smartest person in a room full of bots if I'm tired" - Alexandros, 2018

"I just gave that hyper aware demo my giant roamer ♥♥♥♥" - Grape Juice the Third, 2018

"I don't respect women" - Shiny, 2018

"We gotta see how jewish we can be about this" - Shiny, 2018

"Hooter's is actually really good. I go there for the food" - Shiny, 2018, being 100% serious

"I'm gonna use Shiny as a baton to beat fygg with" - XBS, 2018

"Everyday I go to my shrine, and pray I'll be as chad as dubstep don" - Tsar, 2018

"I'm gonna come out of the weeb closet one day, and play an anime game on stream, mark my words" -Grape Juice III, 2018

"It's genocide day!" - Shiny, 2018
"It's seasonal genocide day" - Mad61, 2018

"That's when you use me as a baton and get an easy 3K" - Shiny, 2018

"It's not funny out of context, since we're talking about pounding ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" - Shiny, 2018

"Are you saying you're too good to ♥♥♥♥ on your own feet?" - Mad61, 2018

"I have had cocaine before" - Shiny, 2018

"They're crispy chips that look like ♥♥♥♥ rings" - Jeff, 2018

"I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and no one can predict what I'm doing" - Crasian, 2018

"I had to slaughter like 15 cats one time to survive the winter" - Brando, 2018

"The next day you're just like 'damn, I really like feet' " - Shiki, 2018

"Hey, you guys know the Call of Duty Zombies song?" - Saila
"The gPro wireless?" - Shiny, 2018

"The citizens of Makkaland adore "indeed" like no other nation." - Tery, 2018

"Remember when we were railing Scream for being gay?" - Shiny, 2018

"4 pugs a day?! Do you think his parents miss him?" - JEFF
"Probably not " - XBS, 2018

"i heard ur willing to mentor a young boy and turn him into a man" - JEFFFFF
"maybe, im gonna be a bit busy mentoring half my invite team this season" - broKing, 2018

"This guy plays in pain, don't believe him" - Shiny, 2018, referring to my gameplay

"Shiny, can you plunge me?" - SOOOOOAPYMEiSTER, 2018

"I'd be the cutest twink bartender that you've ever seen." - FrickMyNick, 2019


"Have you seen murkscribe?? I feel like Murkscribe is going to pop out of the forest with an AK-47 and shoot me" - JEFFFFFFFFFF, 2019

"First off, he holds it with 2 hands, then he props the tip up with one hand, then he uses his other hand to shove it into his face like a gremlin" - JEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2019

"Don't you hate when your in the middle of a good game session and then you just get nutted in" - FrickMyNick, 2019

"The thing is that Makka and I are like a fly and a fly trap. I'm not letting go of him until his leg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ breaks" - JEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2019

"If we play Excellent Adventures on product, I'm gonna get hit with the reich" - FrickMyNick
"Yeah, but Makka is the Furher, so he owns the reich" - Shiny, 2019 (I am not a nazi)

"I actually shot cocaine into my ♥♥♥♥. I boiled it on a spoon before scrims" - JEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2019

"Makka is literally Muma 2.0, baited me so hard he dodged LAN" - FrickMyNick, 2019

"You think I'm gonna go full Martin Luther and nail my ♥♥♥♥ to the bible" - viper, 2019

"IM is crumbling like a Roman sex orgy" - viper, 2019

"How many tabs of acid do I have to drop before Kramer looks like a woman?" - viper, 2019

"I love coming in here and finding out how long my grandson's wiener is" - viper who has too many quotes, 2019

"Why did google translate auto translate into chinese, that's racist." - Tery, 2019

"If you could lift a 24 oz steak with a pair of chopsticks then you have my respect" - viper, 2019

"I thought Canada was a barren wasteland where you could only travel by car or sled dog" - murkscribe, 2019

"I think it's more gay if you don't suck off your friends" - Air, 2019

"You have the angel and the devil on your shoulder, one's telling you to read a book and the other is telling you to ♥♥♥♥ a girl." - Shiny, 2019

"Shiny, I need you to level with me, why is there 18 dead, naked cowboys in your shower?" - viper, 2019

"We just need to do this at LAN. Just get naked and kill ourselves in the shower" - Shiny, 2019

"I can't see JEFF on my sign. All I see is an anime girl orgasming." - viper

"Everyone once in a while you just have to commit kindergarten genocide" - Crasian, 2019

"Scream's face is so cute" - Olbap, 2019

"I'm the final solution" - Olbap/The_Fridge, 2019

"Hello Operator? My fridge is trying to commit genocide." - viper, 2019

"My virgin ranting to the admins really worked" - General Nick, 2019

"I'm a lizard who can jump skyscrapers, don't tell me to chill" - Brando, 2019

"I was just like 'Come children, lets win product' " - Makkas
"Yes daddy Makkabeus" - Paul "JEFF" Evans, 2019

"I came out the womb spitting straight fire like goo goo ga ga" - viper, 2019

"I fantasize about raping Ron" - brian, 2019

"It's less Vietnam and more Korea" - Daf
"More Philipino" - Shiny, 2019

"It should be a constitutional right to gay jail Scream" - FrickMyNick, 2019

"I told them to but I scared them off with a very ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grilled cheese" - Brando, 2019

"Nothing goes together like a beer and a fart. WAIT ♥♥♥♥ NO I MEANT DART" - BiG, 2019

"You're like the Amazing Atheist stubborn" - Shiny, 2020

"I was legitimately thought of standing up and hitting my ♥♥♥♥ off the table, but then I realised that would hurt" - Crasian, 2020

"Can someone tell me how squirt porn is magic?" - Crasian, 2020

"I still stand by my words, Hooter's is a good restaurant" - Shiny, 2020, still being 100% serious

"Butt or just poop out your mouth?" - Meus_, 2020

"They're like 'He's asian and not a manlet, kill him!'" - Crasian, 2020

"I'm like jango coomer but I get off to plugging in a usb-c in both orientations" - Brando, 2020

"Get away from me you islamic ♥♥♥♥! What're you gonna do, shoot me?" - DrDanny, 2020

"Are you gonna deny his god given right to racism?" - Shiny, 2020

"If you're being clever with it then racism is okay" - tojo, 2020

"That feel when you go into someone's kindergarten class and shoot up the place" - Crasian, 2020

"Accounting was created by the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Navajo code talkers from WW2" - Crasian, 2020

"I’m so over CHILDREN" - Mr. 200, 2020

"You just load Norman Reedus with 300 lbs of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ then launch him down a hill" - Crasian, 2020

"You could sell TF2 items to feed a small Afghan village" - Shiny, 2020

"Imagine making fun of someone for being vegetarian" - Tery, 2020

"All bald people are gay" - Scream, 2020

"Facts and logic don't care about your orgasms" - zanda, 2020

"Imagine 60 people's ♥♥♥ all going down the drain" - Scream, 2020
One of those glorious quote walls PART 2
"Makka just a scuffed A&W papa burger commercial" - Crasian, 2021

"why use brain when no brain do same trick?" - coo coo cachoo, 2021

"I am in fact canonically 3'5" and also 45 years old." - Tery, 2021

"Y'all don't raw dog your ramen?" - Frick, 2021

"I would rather put my left testicle in a blender and put it on high than talk to pubbers" - tony, 2021

"Ghost pepper paste is great, it's like a demon nuts into your mouth and then holds it shut" - Crasian, 2021

"If I ever see Makkabeus in real life I might break down and cry out of both fear and laughter" - Scream, 2021

"when you give me a multiple choice exam, i ♥♥♥♥ it hard, fast, and dry" - Crasian, 2021

"now that he's done eating, we can finally go back to talking about poop" - tony, 2021

"I, too, have shoved my ♥♥♥♥ into the lemon juicer" - Crasian, 2021

"Just going to yell, 'get paid get laid gatorade' when I leave" - Crasian, 2021

"i work out to eat butter" - reno, 2021

"Every hockey in goalie" - tony, 2021
"That's a Leafs fan statement" - Crasian, 2021

"If I had Ron Jeremy level schmeat I would have no problems in life" - tony, 2021

"I'm supposed to be virtuous but I just scam people" - ire, 2021
"So you're Dionysus meets Jehovah's witness" - tony, 2021

"You haven't lived until you've gotten a blumpkin in a Sheetz bathroom" - tony, 2021

"Makka looks like a hairless cat had sex with an Auschwitz survivor" - tony, 2021

"You're playing roamer you cuck-ass ♥♥♥♥♥, you don't get heals!" - FrickMyNick, 2022

"Makka isn't a twink, he's a twig" - ire, 2022

"Cap'n Crunch is already at 'kick my ass'!" - Spoon, 2022

"I could beat Moana, I'm in a land-locked province!" - Spoon, 2022, forgetting about Hudson's Bay

"My hair will protect me. Get bit bald man." - Viktor, 2022

"Don't tell him what I'm playing!" - Spoon
"Whose he going to counter you with? The whole roster?" - Blaze, 2022

"You have a pass to be called all the slurs, not say them!" - ire, 2022

"Is picking a pizza up off the street adoption?" - ire, 2022

"Warcrime this, can't eat the drywall that. I'll ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fight Pakistan if I want" - Crasian, 2022

"Makka, it's group B. The "B" stands for "bank-rape.'" - Neppers, 2022

"If I worked at Blizzard, I'd be correctly gendered, then promptly assaulted." - ire, 2022

"If Alex Jones got Cake then Ben Shapiro got Naan Bread" - Neppers, 2022

"I'm going to get a noise complaint from how much I hate you." - Spoon, 2022

"What's with kids shows and making ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rabbits" - Symbiote Cooler, 2022

"If she identifies as a g*mer then I'd rather ♥♥♥♥ one of the guys." - Neppers, 2022

"I can't wait for b4nny to be on the mainstage so I can lick the back of his head." - JEFF, returning from a long hiatus, 2022

"Just call me scp super soaker pee pee piss piss boy" - Dan "Crazy "scp super soaker pee pee piss piss boy" Asian" Paladin, 2022

"Of course she would be cooking in the rat suit" - Spoon, 2022

"The fear generates poop" - Spoon, 2022

"You heard me insulting apes and rushed to defend your cousins" - LuckyBucks, 2022

"Firing a load into gods eyes so i can squeeze my way past the pearly gates while he's blinded" - Spoon, 2022

"I have ridden a dragon before, but not a good one" - ire, 2022

"What do I roll to be annoying?" - Poshi, 2022

"It's like you walked into a Italian restaurant with a DiGiorno pizza and asked 'is this authentic?' " - Spoon, 2022

"Can't believe I'm going through all this effort just to beat my wife" - tony, 2023

"Whenever you're eating fruit snacks, make sure to marinate them in your mouth to bring out the full fruity flavour" - duck, 2023

"terrorism is cool B)" - brando, 2023

"It's rock, paper, scissors but they can lick your hand if you throw paper" - Christian, 2023

"I post my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ opinion on twitter then shove my phone up my ass" - LuckyBucks
"That reminds me, I should post more on twitter" - duck, 2023

"I like my girls to be built like a doritos chip" - Christian, 2023

"I'm not losing, I'm just winning the long way around" - LuckyBucks, 2023

"I'm gonna go to a place and say 'can I just have the lobster's head?'" - duck, 2023

"I'd ♥♥♥♥ the ♥♥♥♥ outta those dogs" - LuckyBucks, 2023

"If you smoked meth, you'd need a lot of meth to get high" - tony, 2023

"What I'm hearing is that you're fighting over who gets to ♥♥♥♥ Lenny" - duck,
"That's his character arc" - blaze, 2023

"Is that just the 'tism or are you happy to see me?" - duck, 2023

"Call me ratatouille 'cause I'm gonna eat this rat's ♥♥♥" - luckybucks, 2023

"He asked for it! You don't stop us when we try to kill a child." - Brando, 2023

"Didn't Wakanda land in Japan first?" - LuckyBucks, 2023

"Quick, Makka isn't here, blow up the city" - FrickMyNick, 2023

"Bust the entire nut." - FrickMyNick, 2023

"My mom would give me a baggie of adderall and send me off to the local high school" - Brando, 2024

"Half the experience is burning yourself, so get chugging" - Brando, 2024

"She's got some obese floor sliders." - Blaze
"What does that mean, we're talking about tits!" - Spoon, 2024

"That's not lore accurate, shut up pinterest user" - Spoon, 2024

"I need something to make me feel better and dressing as a woman is that thing." - Spoon, 2024

"You activated the Borat Instinct. It's like the Cain Instinct but very nice~" - Spoon, 2024

"WHO IS FIRE FROM TEAM OF FOUR??"" - Spoon, 2024

"When I get hit by autism damage, I go non-verbal" - duck, 2024

"Give me a bike pump and 2cc's of fart juice" - Kirby, 2024

"I was too busy thinking about ♥♥♥♥ to be making money" - Spoon, 2024

"Don't talk to me, I'm being ran at by God." - Scream, 2024

"It's pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ premeditated when you wake someone up and tell them to smell the ashes." - Crasian, 2024

"That was an ethical use of urine that time." - Tony, 2024

"It starts with a man moaning and now is tinged with a milky white." - Spoon, 2025

"This is gonna use all my money, but ♥♥♥♥ getting a disease from this region."
"Me to the high class escort." - Spoon, 2025
Rarest Achievement Showcase
picklepete112 30 Jan @ 7:47am 
Zeugma Male 23 Aug, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
you need help seke professional help you disgusting freak
Mad61 13 Dec, 2023 @ 5:21pm 
You have been visited by the 6's elitist! Post this on 5 other peoples profiles to spread the shame of highlander players!
Zeugma Male 25 Oct, 2022 @ 6:25pm 
╭ ━ ━ ━ ╮ ╭ ━ ━ ━ ╮ ┈ ┏ ╮ ╭ ━ ━ ╮
┗ ━ ━ ╮ ┃ ┃ ╭ ━ ╮ ┃ ┏ ╯ ┃ ╰ ━ ━ ┃
╭ ━ ━ ╯ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┈ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┃ ╭ ━ ━ ┃
┃ ╭ ━ ━ ╯ ┃ ┃ ┈ ┃ ┃ ┈ ┃ ┃ ╰ ━ ━ ┃
┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ╰ ━ ╯ ┃ ┈ ┃ ┃ ╭ ━ ━ ┃HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ╰ ━ ━ ━ ╯ ┈ ┗ ┛ ╰ ━ ━ ╯
Hidi 21 Feb, 2022 @ 1:09pm 
Makka, would you be so kind as to explain to an ignorant yank such as myself, what is donaire sauce?
ire :3 21 Feb, 2022 @ 1:06pm 
makkaw, canwe pway gwanawy.... maaybe gawanawy pwo... 🥺