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Ulasan terkini oleh Franz Schubert

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Tercatat 289.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 224.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Politics aside, this game utterly failed to live up to its name. There's no apology that will ever suffice for the botched launch and the pre-release sales there were predicated almost entirely on falsities peddled by CA.

Unambitious garbage. Complete uncompelling in every regard. Abysmal music, lifeless troops and voice production, jaggedy, uncanny collision mechanics, streamlined campaign, etc. Literally could go on forever. The best part? The way the game is coded precludes modders from ever changing the most egregious of the fundamental flaws.

CA are beyond disgusting, reprehensible sell outs who lie and abuse their fanbase, and put no love into the games they make. I hope to god another company takes up the real-time historical battle reigns and picks up where CA left off with Shogun.

I couldn't recommend this game any less.
Diposting pada 9 Oktober 2018.
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Tercatat 17.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Refer to the more elaborate "most helpful" negative reviews to get a proper grasp on why this game fails to live up to its predecessors. The most common sentiment you'll run into with veterans of the series (of which I am one) is that something feels immediately *off*, that's sort of the tl;dr. Something is off, and it's far from immersive.

The main takeaway for me is that this game feels way too arcadey, especially when you take into account the realistic, dark, and gristly prescedent set by its ww2 counterpart, RS. Maps that feel small and one dimensional, artifical sounding "sound cues" built around gameplay rather than an emphasis on atmosphere, floaty weapons with unrealistic accuracy (have the devs ever shot an ak?), super bright colors, a never-ending supply of instant-spawning helicopters, multiple objectives (team deathmatch anyone?) etc. It just plays and feels like a hybrid of call of duty black ops 1 and rising storm, which isn't what I want in my red orchestra experience.

I think the most egregious example of the dev team venturing into an arcadey direction has to be the degree to which run-and-gun gameplay seems to be encouraged in a combat setting that mostly involved clumps of combatants duking it out in jungle foliage. Here, the jungle on any given map is sparsely populated, and they tend to function merely as glorified walkways to whatever the objective point is. What you get as a result of this are headless chickens running up from spawn points, and sprinting around whatever the building objective points are and gunning people down in the site. Very seldom do you see any sort of teamplay or coordinated pushes a la RS, and when this does go on it's certainly not through the jungle. There appear to be multiple capturable objectives on literally every map also, which exacerbates this team-deathmatch mentality tenfold.

It's not totally terrible, and I am happy to have given tripwire my money, but this new direction is a pretty massive deviation from previous iterations of the series. I suspect they've gone down this route to woo over some of the more casual FPS playerbase, but all they've ended up doing is creating a mediocre RS with graphics that are no longer up-to-snuff given the gameplay downgrade.

Overall, this is not at all a realistic representation of vietnam-era combat, and I really wish it had been. We know Tripwire has the capacity to simulate actual warfare while still keeping it enjoyable, and RO2 was the embodiment of this synthesis...but we're now much, much closer to COD than we are Ostfront/RO1.

PS: Do us all a favor and remove the helicopters entirely. The audio in any given game is just 100% helicopters (when it's not high pitched pinging) and it's unbearable.
Diposting pada 29 November 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 29 November 2017.
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