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67.7 giờ được ghi nhận (58.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I enjoyed this game tremendously even though it's obviously got some lacking elements. I love stealth and sniping, and this game has plenty of both. It does surprise me that after 2 years, the DLC has a) not really been reduced in price, and b) apparently has hardly ever been seen based on the number of reviews of it. I'd pick them up just to have more fun with the game, but until the trio of mission-based DLC come down to maybe the price of one of them, that's off my list.

Now: the good stuff!
I enjoy the variety of fighting though I almost always find myself defaulting to my 'stealth, snipe, whoops - kill everything in sight, wait for enemies to relax, repeat' mode. I don't mind that at all, though I suspect some find it too repetitive. The locations are really nice and I would love to have a way to remove the UI and get first person in there, just for screenshot purposes.
Killing fascists is always - ALWAYS - on my list of things to do. ALWAYS. There's a kind of satisfaction that comes from it that is kind of ... a guilty(?) pleasure.
I found myself more and more liking the little bit of actual story we have - nice touches to the character even though he's mostly a blank slate (I didn't even know that his name was Karl... lol, because they don't actually SAY it anywhere). Plus his voice. mmm. His voice.
Good musical cues, though at times the music overshadows any other sounds.
Overall very easy and intuitive to play, though I still hate third person motion quite a bit, but that's on me not the game.

The less good:
I really want to be able to jump and explore. Unfortunately that just doesn't happen. However on the plus side of this is that the numerous ways you CAN explore the areas to complete your goals are a lot of fun.
The sound editing is crappy, in that there's zero stereo sound cues, and that means in trying to hear directionally it's impossible to determine any locations of enemies. The chat that occasionally shows up is also weirdly triggered, because I'd already killed a number of enemies and then went through their chat trigger... so... a room full of dead guys and they're talking. O.o
Virtually no story. Now, I'll give this one a pass because I didn't really get the game to have a story, I got it so I could shoot bad guys with a sniper rifle. :)
Way too short. However also this gets a pass from me because the replay value is very strong, and the challenges pad the mission length. I don't play multiplayer so I probably won't get any of the other achievements or see any maps that might be mp exclusive, which is a bit of a shame.
I'd love to be able to interact with the environment much more than I do. I'd like to pick things up, climb, shimmy under things, etc, and explore to my hearts' content, but that's not why the character is where he is.

The .... bad?
Well I suppose the one thing I might say is that it's still too expensive and the DLC should be folded into one lower price point to actually sell it.

If you enjoy sniping and a variety of potential methods for doing the same 8 missions and challenge maps, highly recommend. Pick it up on sale, imo.
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 01, 2017.
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389.6 giờ được ghi nhận (86.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I avoided Dishonored when it was being advertised, years ago, because by one look at it I knew it would be "Half Life 2 meets Bioshock". The art by Victor Antonov was very clearly 'butthurt because they didn't use my ideas in HL2 so I'll take it over here'.

I was not off the mark there, in any way. In fact, many lines of dialog, all the vehiclular designs, color schemes, and whole battles, arenas, events, and visual constructions of levels are blatantly Half Life 2. (let's see, 'you were in the wrong place at the right time', the entire 'strider battle' with tall boys, 'nova prospekt', 'captive in the metal transport cage/battle at the top of a tower', every single combine-i mean sokolov- vehicle's appearance, the blue metal structure walls blocking off streets.... I could go on?) Throw in the visually steampunk Bioshock aspects, and add in the Plasmid use... Toss a pile of Thief stealth aspects, and you have Dishonored.

Oh yeah, I was kind of expecting Corvo to have a voice actor? I guess they wised up in 2 and gave him one. Yet Another Mute Protagonist. While Corvo can be pretty amazing, when you look at him he's absolutely the blankest of blank slates, and has zero personality aside from the clear adoration of Emily. All the rest of the characters in the game - and specifically the DLC with Daud - have far more attachment and engagement with what's actually going on. I find it hard to believe that Corvo himself isn't dumb as a bag of hammers, given that he, as the Lord Protector and lover of Jessamine... *went out for months* while the clearly devious Spymaster was busy engineering the Empress' demise. I mean, how about "no, sir, this is my post and it would be completely insane to leave it" comes to mind. With the flimsiness of that plot however, it also seems like the rest of the city is exactly as vapid as the protagonist.

There is so much potential in this game's world for story telling. So much, completely wasted with this game. However all that said:

It was an enjoyable game, fun to play, and fun to play again. While the quirky specifics of the achievements are indeed pretty weird (i'm going through a second time trying for clean hands, but not ghost and definitely not flesh and steel) I like exploration and definitely like the stealth aspects. I only wish that they'd allowed for more of a non-lethal Corvo! Playing the DLC as Daud at least you get the ability to increase the number of sleep darts you can use, but Corvo cannot?! Well, at least that still plays well enough with being able to use takedowns.

Even though visually the game is shamelessly HL2+Bioshock, it's at least internally consistent. However the art itself is garbage, undetailed, might as well be low-rez in many cases because they don't stand up to close inspection. If I look at it as 'they're all paintings', that's not bad at all, because the character design and lighting supports that pretty decently.

The clunky UI is clunky, the radial menu difficult to use at best, and the lack of hotkeys for certain things was dismaying.

I think my biggest beef with it is that you just don't get one straightforward story even though there's a shockingly linear progression through the game. There are hints in all the books and notes you find that there's something much more deep and entertaining, but *none* of it surfaces, ever.

The DLC and challenge levels are actually far more engaging than the main game, though the level design of Daud's story is far less clever and much more limited than the main game. I wish that the level design had kept up in terms of exploration and complexity, but that the main game had the personality of Daud's dlc.

Anyway - I do recommend the game, but don't expect anything other than highly derived locations and visuals, and if you've played either Bioshock or Half Life 2 understand that this game WAS designed by the same guy doing HL2's work... and it showed.
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 12, 2016.
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172.0 giờ được ghi nhận (72.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
While there are some downers to this game, like the lack of mini map and weird k/m control scheme, honestly it's extremely fun and has plenty of explosions. That's why I liked JC2. Splosions. And headshots.

It does suffer from a pretty bad memory leak - but then so did Deus Ex Mankind Divided, on my machine they both skyrocket their memory use to over 7 gigs, and that's simply unacceptable for any game. The one issue that I do wish they'd fix is the minimizing bug. I have my resolution set to full screen, and I'd like it to NEVER change that. Not sure why it stops being full screen. People these days do have multiple screen setups and I often shift-tab out of steam to view information or sites while playing, and coming back to a windowed mode is ridiculous. But that's not game play, plot, or graphics textures, it's an issue that could probably have come from an entirely outside development team.

The game itself is just plain pure stupid fun.
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 11, 2016.
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3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
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4,863.1 giờ được ghi nhận (479.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I don't know how I haven't reviewed this game yet. The only thing I'd love for it to have is a little more actual main plot. The backstories and side quests are, as common to this franchise, often more interesting than the actual story line. Also, romancing Nick. That's... that's the thing I'd prefer.

It feels like Fallout 4 is a transition between single player and an MMO, which follows since the dev team had been working on their mmo before this. It has many elements that my much-missed City of Heroes had: repeatable/random quests, base building, etc. I did miss the weapon repair feature from 3, but there's nothing wrong with this one in that regard.

All in all the entire product has been lots of fun. I love building stuff, and I'm glad that I know how to use the console commands because to heck with limits. I've dumped so much time into this game. It didn't really become sloggy or terribly boring, and surprisingly I keep finding new locations and dinging xp for them.

Anyway, great game. Fitting with the franchise's background, and tied in very well with the prior game.
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 11, 2016.
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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
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76.0 giờ được ghi nhận (40.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I can't give enough thumbs up for this game. Goat Simulator has been the butt of numerous jokes (pun intended) on the Steam forum, but still? It's among the best games I've ever played. Does it have a story? Pfffffno. But visually? It's beautiful! The environments are crafted very realistically, even when they include nonsense items. The sheer volume of in-jokes and pokes at the video game industry (specifically in the Goat MMO Simulator dlc) always makes me cheer. I was not disappointed by any of the addons in paid dlc.

Is it silly? Yup. Ragdoll humor and goofiness, that's pretty much what the game is for. Headbut your way through a town! Crash parties! Lick barbeque grills and catch people on fire! I mean - what more do you WANT out of something called 'goat simulator'?


The guys at Coffee Stain should be proud of the crazy silly stuff they've given us. I think as far as 'stupid ragdoll games' go, Goat Simulator ranks as the very best. The clever character modes and quirks, all of the locations and hidden spots, the moments where as a long-time player of MMOs I had to stop and pause the game just so I could laugh off the insane stuff that just happened... There's much more to this than some dumb 'waggle the character around' game.

The downside to all of that, is hinged on the fact that the graphics ARE really, really good - and that causes a problem for some folks whose computers don't have the power to process it all. The lighting and rendering are very impressive, and thus if you're running a crappy rig, you're NOT going to have a good time playing or trying to run it. Also, even though it's out for console, it's pretty straightforwardly a PC game. I'm sure that people who want it for consoles have their fun with it, but I can't even imagine playing it with a controller and not a k/m setup. Having watched at least one video of a console play, it's pretty obvious that unless something was wrong with the players, they completely missed 'how to' do a lot of the basics (spinning in the air, licking things, actually headbutting things to break them, etc). I don't have a console, don't need to worry about that, but just be aware that you'll want to carefully understand the controls, to fully enjoy this game.

Overall, this game has provided me with SO MUCH more entertainment than any other 10$+ dlc game. You can jump on, fart around, break some things, and leave, getting a chuckle out of it and have a little better day.
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 01, 2016.
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16.5 giờ được ghi nhận (9.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I spent 9 hours which could have been either chopped down to about 4 - the 'story' - or expanded to probably 'ragequit' without noclip mode. I tried, I really did, every test chamber in there. They were abysmal and confusing. All the walkthroughs and tutorials I found were for the "pre-changes" version, and no one has any info on the new versions. I noclipped and spawned cubes just so I didn't quit the game entirely.

Pros - oh holy crap the mapping is beautiful. Just... Beautiful. The music as well, incredibly good and VERY Portal. The voice acting was good and fun, and the dialog was superb. All of the artistic side of this game was 100% Valve-quality.

Cons - ... the puzzles were atrocious. Like many modders fall into this trap, of 'hard' equating to 'good'. The puzzles were nearly 9/10 for 'cannot possibly complete this' at my level of ability and I've got lots of hours in Portal. Inconsistent prop use - why are SOME boxes movable and others not? Why do SOME rooms allow multiple cubes, which goes directly against ALL portal games before? Twitch reflexes and relying on things which even Cave wouldn't have considered 'right'. Not fun, I avoided them entirely, because of this.

I do recommend it, but not for the puzzles. I found myself fully able and functional in the non-test chamber areas to use the portals wisely, because they followed the normal rules of Portal engagement. Not so for the chambers. Play for the story and dialog and the beautiful, perfect maps.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 10, 2015.
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15 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
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58.5 giờ được ghi nhận (37.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I was pretty excited for BP-S when I'd first heard about it. While it seemed to be kind of humorus to note that it'd been handed off to a foreign studio and "let loose"... That's where its downfall started.

The game is *relentlessly* Australian, and I mean that it has such difficult to understand language, poorly done dubbing, and worst of all the (hopefully unintended) racism rampant in it is ... disappointing. It's one thing to have a '♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ feud' (as shown in Borderlands 2 with Moxxi's families) as something that the player can watch pan out. It's another entirely to have an NPC openly insult *the player's character*, in such a way that it is clearly projected from the developers opinions. For such an open minded bunch in B2's creative team, to have such narrowminded tripe in their sequel seems outright wrong.

The music is uninspired, and worse, bland at its very best. I would have thought that if Elpis is "the Australia of Pandora" then the music would have followed suit. Apparently, they didn't get the the message out that thematic sounding music might have worked well. The dialog is under-recorded, and usually overwhelmed by any noisy sound fx going on - and the lack of the ability to re-listen to the Echoes, as you could originally in Borderlands 1, seems like a complete failure to understand what went wrong in B2. (Which was where you first couldn't listen to them again.) Having no ability to hear the dialog AND no ability to rehear it even though you've "picked up an Echo"... really seems short sighted.

I think I've rage-quit this game more in one place - Zarpedon's boss fight - than I have done in any other Borderlands game. It's at this point I'm giving up on the game entirely. The boss - sure, I could take her. After the learning curve of death and costly respawns, to the point where I have no cash left to restock my ammunition? Yeah, no. Where exactly did these "ascended" people come from? Why is that suddenly a thing? There's been exactly NO hint that this could be something to encounter, why did they suddenly appear as shields and overwhelmingly hard enemies? There is no story behind this, and that's what makes it even less palatable. If I had heard at some point, "oh these people transmute into ultra-powerful new versions of guards that restock her shields, and then level up into new and resistant damage types" ... I might have been able to arrange a few more trips to the Grinder. But as it is, they come out of NOWHERE, as enemy types go, and this tells me only that the developers did not have a clue what they were doing.

I would be willing to let the game have a pass for these issues (along with the geometry issues, clipping, sticking in places, invisible walls making travel impossible, the bad 'ice slow' glitch that slows your movement even after it's supposed to go away, etc etc etc) IF the game was only a MOD. A team of inexperienced modders would make these mistakes. A team of badly organized and first-time game makers could be let off the hook for such very, very basic issues - many of which were QA problems and have been resoundingly reported - and never fixed.

But this is a supposed team of *professional game makers*. Their issues with game design go very deep, and I'm afraid that they just should never have been put on this project at all. It's a smirch on the franchise that won't go away. This game deserves its low Metacritic score, for so very many reasons.

For folks who suggest: you should team up for that fight! Well I don't pub-lobby, ever - because douchebags. I don't have any friends who have finished the game, either, as far as I know. Even the friend who bought it for me hasn't gotten even half as far as I have, and we've tried to team up on other such things in the past, to little success. Plus, I play a game with a single-player mode *as a single player*, not as a "maybe I'll drop in on someone" type - because I'm trying to learn the STORY behind the game. Not just trying to blast everything in sight, which has caused me problems in the other Borderlands games, by losing my personal progress and not being able to properly understand what is going on after teaming.

For folks who suggest: you're just not hard core. No, no I am *not* hard core. But what I expect from a game with a professional design team is a PROFESSIONAL PRODUCT. And this, I'm afraid, is NOT professional enough. The game play here is abominable. The boss fights up till Zarpedon were fluff - they shouldn't have been. I'm used to having "tough" boss fights in Borderlands. But to suddenly have what appears to be an *exponential* change in the level of difficulty within one boss? Nope. That's just 100% bad design.

2k, you could do better than this. Gearbox, you should be ashamed of the level of crap this game has shoveled out. I won't even grace '2k Australia' with a label of 'game studio'.
Đăng ngày 26 Tháng 02, 2015.
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650.0 giờ được ghi nhận (170.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Borderlands 2 is far and away the most fun I've had in ages. I'd just come off playing BL1 which itself was a masterpiece of silly bloody awesome. BL2 surpasses it in so many ways.

Plot, Music, Art direction, Game play, everything feels smooth and logically extends the original in all ways. I guess I don't have enough space to write a proper review, so I'll just post that on the forums - not the hubs, the FORUMS.

Buy this game. Enjoy this game. Well, play BL1 first - otherwise you might be left scratching your head about the plentiful easter eggs.
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 10, 2012.
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203.6 giờ được ghi nhận (133.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Just get this, play this, and enjoy shooting the crap out of everything you meet. I can't even say enough about how fun this game is. Yes, there are bugs like crazy bad pathing issues for the vehicles and the retarded respawning of everything you kill. But that's part of what makes it FUN.
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 07, 2012.
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