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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Etalase Ulasan
8,2 Jam dimainkan
- First time playing. Jumped into a match with 3 randoms.
- Assigned to tactical officer on the original Enterprise.
- Myself and the helmsman are hilariously incompetant, as everything is on retro push buttons and toggle switches
- Things start to heat up. Multiple Klingon contacts

Captain: Tactical, are our shields up?
Me: Uhh..... I don't know Captain.... Are they?
*Torpedo rips though the ship, sending a red-shirt crewmember flying from his station, to his death at my feet*

".......Well I guess that'd be a no then, Captain."
Game Favorit
Jam dimainkan
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 463 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 29 Mar
100 XP
Tercatat 10,7 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 29 Mar
Tercatat 1.701 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 29 Mar