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Recent reviews by Yonrak

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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30.0 hrs on record (26.6 hrs at review time)
At it's heart, it's a rhythm game. And a damn good one at that.
Posted 1 January, 2020.
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12.0 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
The best thing to happen to the resident evil franchise in years. Game of the year for me.

Roll on Nemesis Remake!
Posted 1 December, 2019.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Mind bending fun!
Posted 3 July, 2019.
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38.6 hrs on record (37.6 hrs at review time)
~40 hours in, and I still can't really say I know how to play, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ have I had fun!
Posted 23 November, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
12 people found this review funny
3.6 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Game doesn't launch if a controller is connected.
First message that appears when booted?
"Best played with a controller"

10/10 would refund again.
Posted 25 June, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
29 people found this review funny
8.2 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
- First time playing. Jumped into a match with 3 randoms.
- Assigned to tactical officer on the original Enterprise.
- Myself and the helmsman are hilariously incompetant, as everything is on retro push buttons and toggle switches
- Things start to heat up. Multiple Klingon contacts

Captain: Tactical, are our shields up?
Me: Uhh..... I don't know Captain.... Are they?
*Torpedo rips though the ship, sending a red-shirt crewmember flying from his station, to his death at my feet*

".......Well I guess that'd be a no then, Captain."
Posted 4 June, 2017.
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7.2 hrs on record
Start the game feeling like a hero. Like your typical cover-based shooter.
Finish the game feeling like a monster, second-guessing every decision you make.

10/10 for feels. Nominated for "Whoooaaaaaa, dude!" Steam award because it blew my mind like no other game in recent years.
Posted 26 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries