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126.0 hrs on record (98.5 hrs at review time)
This game is really bad - Overwatch 1 was pretty good back in the day and through most of its life cycle, but the change to Overwatch 2 was one very much in the direction of a cash grab. In addition, the balance of the game is no longer taken seriously and is instead disrespectful of both play variety and player autonomy.

They moved to a paid battle pass for monetization and now heavily rely on FOMO to incentivise regular play: standard cosmetics are no longer continuously available after release and are instead listed as sometimes appearing in the shop, despite never appearing in the shop again, with a few rare exceptions, and event cosmetics no longer return for purchase when the related event returns. Where cosmetics were formerly released and perpetually available, the release of new cosmetics now, oftentimes, requires expeditious return to the game to purchase them, as they are not likely to be available even a single week after their release. In addition, many cosmetics, including several flagship cosmetics for events, do not have their actual release date advertised, forcing players to continuously recheck the in-game shop to see if they have become available, and have even, occasionally, been released after the associated event has concluded.

If the concerns about predatory monetization are not relevant to you, allow me to elaborate on the considerable issues of balance found in Overwatch 2. Firstly, it is important to remember that the balance of Overwatch 1, while far from perfect, was done with the intent to make the game feel fair, fun, varied, and to allow players to select their favorite character without getting flamed just for that choice. In Overwatch 2, however, the developers have taken a new approach to game balance: their favorite heroes are consistently stronger, better, and consequently more fun than the rest of the roster; additionally, they no longer balance the game for variety and player agency, and instead, at the beginning of each season, select a "Meta Comp" of heroes that they want to see played, and then buff and nerf heroes to make that composition the most viable and therefore prominent. It is a position of "Different is better :)" that ignores player feedback, enjoyment of the game, variety of play, and player autonomy and ingenuity.

In conclusion, Overwatch 2 has incredibly predatory monetization when compared to Overwatch 1, and its balance is more aligned with monkeys throwing ♥♥♥♥ at a wall of hero portraits than actual game balance. Do not play this game.
Posted 8 July, 2024.
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88.4 hrs on record (43.4 hrs at review time)
completely unfair and brutally difficult - it's the best ecosystem simulator i've ever played
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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344.3 hrs on record (208.6 hrs at review time)
I have loved this game since I found it almost 6 years ago. It is in my top 3 games I own. The Galaxy is rich with content and ready to be explored. The main story is fulfilling and very well written, and there are several other stories you can find hidden in the far reaches of human space, and then some. Plus it's FREE (and not even finished yet).

I would have recommended this game 6 years ago when I first played it, and now it is even bigger and better, with regular updates coming down the pipeline. Download this game and play it. It is an experience, and a completely engrossing one. Also, make sure you click the spaceport button A LOT.
Posted 22 April, 2021. Last edited 23 April, 2021.
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34.5 hrs on record (15.8 hrs at review time)
This is literally my favorite game ever. Just get it and play it. I'm not taking the time to explain why right now, just take my word for it.
Posted 27 December, 2020.
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121.1 hrs on record (61.3 hrs at review time)
Pretty much once a year, Peeve plays this and there's a small spike in the player base, but it doesn't usually last very long. It's sad because this is such a great game with one of my favorite combat systems ever. Everyone who likes traditional combo-fighters or Dark Souls-esque pvp should give this game a try.
Anyways, I recommend it! It's singleplayer experience (if you aren't interested in PvP) is somewhat lackluster compared to playing with a friend or doing PvP content, but overall the game is extremely worth it and a lot of fun.
Posted 12 August, 2020.
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69.8 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
This is the epitome of what VR can be and do. It is the best rhythm game I have ever played, and one of my all time favorite games. The modding scene is excellent, and well supported by the devs, too.

Overall, this game is worth the $500+ overhead for a VR setup just by itself, I will recommend it every time.
Posted 29 July, 2020.
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312.7 hrs on record (308.2 hrs at review time)
Having played this game for a fairly long time (308 hours over several years of play), I can confidently say that I do not recommend getting this game. It came out in 2013, and while it has had a large number of updates since then, those updates have almost entirely served to empower players who spend hundreds of dollars on the in-game currency and place them further and further above the players who don't. Not to say that the singleplayer story of this game isn't great, as it's a story well worth enjoying, but the majority of the content is within the online play realm, which - at least on pc - is plagued by cheaters, modders, and whales who will actively seek you out and grief you into the ground, especially if you are a lower level, or less well equipped player. It's 7 years old at this point, and I'm pretty sure they just announce that they're going to be re-releasing it on the PS5; just watch a youtube series of someone playing through it and don't waste your money.
Posted 17 June, 2020.
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107.0 hrs on record (78.3 hrs at review time)
It's like if they made DnD into a video game, but did a good job instead of a bad one. You can even make custom campaigns!
Posted 7 June, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record
I didn't particularly enjoy playing this game. The mechanics were under developed and there was nothing to do but grind out money, buy bits for your house, realize you didn't buy enough, and going out to grind for another three hours because everything is extremely overpriced. 3/10
Posted 8 June, 2015.
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4.5 hrs on record

It is an great game that engrosses you in the story and the feelings of the character, wrenching your heart through twists and turns. The pixel style graphics and simple controls make this game fun and easy to play, however the character pathing isn't the best. Overall I give it an 8/10
Posted 3 August, 2014.
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