Spicy Water
Your password must be between 173 and 314 characters. It cannot contain any known word from the French language. It must contain 4 heiroglyphs and a rigorous proof of the time-dependent Schrödinger Equation.
Spicy Water 2021年3月17日 14時07分 
Rat 2021年3月8日 17時03分 
I'll tell you about Fosofial. Is that who you are asking about? Fosofial? Fosofial was the type of gamer, that you could be talking to your best friend, in the whole world, and then Fosofial would come in and you'd go, "♥♥♥♥ you. I'm talking to Fosofial, because Fosofial is better than you! Come on, let's face it, they're better than all of us!"
Rat 2021年3月8日 17時03分 
I'll tell ya, Fosofial, oh my god. They were the type of gamer, they could walk into a room, and light up the whole room. Ya' know? They didn't have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lighter or nothing like that. They would, just somehow, through sheer tyranny of will they could somehow illuminate a room. I don't know...
Rat 2021年3月8日 17時03分 
I'll tell you something about Fosofial, if you wanna hear about Fosofial. Fosofial is the type gamer that you can always turn to. Ya' know? You ever wanna turn to somebody? Like if you have a problem or something, and you feel like you wanna turn? Ever do that? ...or maybe your neck just hurts and you want... anyways, the point of it is, that once you swiveled your head over this way, the person you'd most want to see in your eye-line is Fosofial.
curlyDign 2020年3月25日 17時02分 
Can confirm he has gotten gooder
Spicy Water 2017年9月29日 14時05分 