ᴄʜᴇʀᴎᴇᴎᴋᴏ ☭
- ◄═▓═════════════► + Luck
- ◄══════▓════════► + Rage
- ◄══════════════▓► + Hacks
- ◄════════════▓══► + Aim
- ◄════════▓══════► + Skill
Cs2 Banned (Ark) + Geld 20 gen, ore 9:31 
-Rep bad cheater! He is cheating with his friends in CS2..... Sad life go ♥♥♥
SeeSjef 18 gen, ore 6:46 
-Rep bad cheater! He is cheating with his friends in CS2..... Sad life
Makatinho 13 gen, ore 8:50 
-rep bad player
FENTANILO ENJOYER 7 gen, ore 7:20 
he will kill himself soon due to bein a fat pig with no life just his lil fun cheats
nsy 16 dic 2024, ore 8:11 
he will kill himself soon due to bein a fat pig with no life just his lil fun cheats
乂Jotaツ 20 ott 2024, ore 10:12 
-rep cheater report