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30.1 hrs on record
Very casual about fighting games but even if it's just to get through each character's story and appreciate its art direction I still got a bunch of fun with it.
Posted 4 July, 2023.
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25.3 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Fantastic action game, It's even better than the first one, it's filled with content and has a big replay value.
It looks extremely crisp, outside of some gui and maybe one portrait, it doesn't feel like a 3DS game at all, so It's a great port.
I also feel like it's a lot more forgiving than the first one, you can get an S rank without much trouble, it still has some challenging bosses, but if you felt the first one was a bit too hard I think you'll have a better time with this one.
Posted 22 June, 2020.
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29.5 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
At first I left a negative review, as many other new players I got overwhelmed by the ammount of functions the game throws at you with very little explanation of what to do with them, after going through some guides to learn the mechanics, and some suggestions about how to deal with the first hardest enemies/bosses, I started having a blast. The game is just very poor at teaching you anything, but learning what to do with every tool will make you stop felling that the game is just too cheap.

This game is the most charming project Platinum has made, I can't say it will click with everyone, but if you try it and get over the weird learning curve I think you'll have a lot of fun with it.
Posted 19 May, 2020. Last edited 28 May, 2020.
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0.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
The controls on this are terrible, you end up in the wrong place half of the time, I tried the first game just in case I was remembering that one wrong but no, you can move perfectly there. Also the ghost-bump mechanic was a mistake, it doesn't help at all with the flow of the game.
Posted 18 May, 2020.
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16.0 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Works perfectly, controls are responsive, and there are no slowdows at all, it looks and sounds perfect too.
The addition of the save assist feature helps a lot so you can play at your own pace without screwing your score, gallery and new remixes are a pretty cool extra too.
I feel like this is the best way to play these titles right now.
Posted 25 February, 2020.
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12.7 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
After finishing the game, I can totally say that the good points were more important than the bad ones, at least for me.
I had a blast and I am super happy that we got a fun game of this forgotten genre, one so hard to get right, I can say this is a step in the good direction.

Combat system is good, though it starts a bit bland, it gets better when you buy new moves, and you can start experimenting in which moves you can connect to try different combos. sadly there is no incentive to do different combos, so if you feel like going through the entire game using LP + LP + LP + HP you can, I feel like that makes some people feel that the system is more dull than it actually is.
Hitboxes are on point, so it never feels like you got hit by an unfair punch that didn't connect, your attacks will depend only on how good are you into canceling from move to move. The only thing that I noticed is that sometimes you need to be perfectly still so a button press works (like for stomps or calling an ally) but I feel like that's mostly an issue with how the game reads the inputs.
The bosses is, I think, the part that needs more work. Most of them don’t feel balanced to be play alone. Their patters tend to prevent you to do combos with them, which has absolutely no sense, beating them usually needs you to do some cheap moves and play very carefully, there is no room for improvisation or expression with them, and that's pretty boring.
The story is fine, it ends when it has to and does not feel like a chore to play, I never felt bored outside of some boss encounters. It's a bit too long to be an arcade but too short to be an adventure game, so I understand if someone feels weird with the duration of this game, but even with that is fun to try the different characters, so you wouldn't be done with just one play through.

I feel like the problems with this game are just a bunch of disconnected things, but can still break the experience to anyone who is not willing to ignore them, things like:
Punch button is used to grab weapons, interact with NPCs and to leave an area, so you can easily do one thing when you wanted to do another.
Running is extremely hard to get with the d-pad, a run button wouldn't break the game at all.
Parry is painfully hard to get and It's just useless, I'm not the only one that just decided to not use it at all because of the high risk and the little reward it has.
The writing is just an excuse to beat people, and the VA is on the same level, I'm a big fan of some parts and the ending but I can see people not being happy with the quality of it.
Even when the combat system is fun, when you get an special attack and a couple of running attacks you wouldn’t get anything new, you'll be stuck using those attacks until the end of the game, I would prefer having less quirky animations and more variety in the combos.

I'm still happy with it, is far from perfect but it's one of the best beat 'em ups on Steam right now.
Posted 9 September, 2019.
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9.2 hrs on record
Very cute shot 'em up, a bit short but the difficulty gives a lot of replayability.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
11.6 hrs on record
It's mostly the same formula of the original game, with added mini-games, unlockables and new enemies, but even with that it still holds up as a really fun rouge-lite.
Posted 5 March, 2019.
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45.1 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
The definitive classic Sonic experience, It brings back old mechanics like elemental shields, bonus stages on every checkpoint, a boss per act, exploration and multiple paths for every level, the responsive controls and physics and basically everything that made the genesis era of games enjoyable but polished to the limit, it really feels like a real successor of S3&K.
Posted 20 September, 2017. Last edited 22 November, 2018.
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17.7 hrs on record (14.4 hrs at review time)
I came here for the monster grills and stayed for the gameplay.
It's really fun and challenging, so you can spend a lot of hours with this little free game.

Also the fairy queen is best girl.
Posted 7 August, 2016.
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