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42.6 h registradas (38.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Incredible gem right here. Universe of full of war but it is so goofy and charming at the same time. The story has no right to be written so well. The tropes of heroes of might and magic are here in full but it brings something new in each of the categories that make HoMM good. Building up your army is extremely addictive as it should be. The “one more turn” syndrome is in full effect. The factions are very open to multiple strategies and no faction is dominant in one way. Easy recommendation.
Publicada el 18 de diciembre de 2024.
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74.5 h registradas (33.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This feels like playing one of those games that came out during the years 2005-2010 where each game had to have a campaign, co-op and pvp. It is almost unbelievable that we can still experience a good game in this day and age.
Publicada el 14 de septiembre de 2024.
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10.9 h registradas (10.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
That was such a pleasant journey. Loads of funny scenarios in puzzles, creative achievements and a cute cat. Extremely relaxing. Loads of love to devs!
Publicada el 20 de julio de 2024.
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Do you remember the Capra Demon boss fight from the first Dark Souls? I used to apply pine resin to my great club just because it looked cool, even though I didn't realize it added magical damage ( I didn't know english ). I'd charge in, only to get hit by his two giant swords. I enjoyed it greatly. This was fun tone for the entire game: buff yourself, get attacked, dodge, and strike back. The world was a great blend of Eastern “craziness” and Western medieval low-fantasy. And over time, FromSoftware's games became more grandiose and epic with each new entry.

Sometimes, something can be so incredibly cool that if it went any further, it would start to seem silly. I fear Shadow of the Erdtree has crossed that line. Every boss and many regular enemies look impressive—from a distance. But up close, their moves turn into a Michael Bay movie, full of over-the-top action from start to finish. Online play is still laggy and suffers from latency issues. It seems like FromSoftware put in a lot of content to make the trailers look spectacular and drive pre-orders.

I feel nostalgic for the older games, even though I'm not actually old. I think the increasing demand for new Souls titles has pushed FromSoftware to adopt this extravagant style. Unfortunately, I can't recommend this game.
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2024.
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132.3 h registradas (17.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
TP2 is a bit different compared to TP1. The puzzles are considerably easier, to the extent that they can sometimes feel like minor interruptions rather than puzzles, if you know what I mean. It seems that the game has shifted away from deep philosophical contemplation, giving way to a more superficial engagement akin to Twitter discourse. Also still no way to replay certain puzzles after finishing the game is kind of a bummer. But it does not change the fact that in this field of narrative puzzle games, TP2 is still one of the best on the market.

Worse than TP1, but still totally awesome.
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2023. Última edición: 30 de diciembre de 2023.
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159.7 h registradas (62.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Getting where not any souls-like ever got. Yes, they actually did it; HexWorks made a fluid movement and combat comparable to dark souls. From a perspective of the player It is hard to understand why we can not get a proper competition to FromSoftware souls monopoly but finally HexWorks were really close.

Unfortunately there are a plethora of gimmicks that are really cool on the paper but are not implemented well, they are janky!

Umbral lamp
Umbral lamp allows you to traverse between the land of living and land of the dead. But it was made as slow as possible. Pulling the lamp will slow you to crawl in the middle of the battle. You are supposed to be mindful when and where to pull the lamp. But the end result is that when you see the place where to use the lamp you just use it and run past the enemies to get the item or pull the “super cool platformer” gimmick to you using the lamp and then get back to the world of the living.

Combat and inventory
The combat itself is fluid but it is also very very limited. There is only 1 slot for right hand weapon which can not be shield, can not be bow or crossbow, can not be catalist. And there is one slot for a left hand weapon, which can also be a shield or other weapon. But you can not have two weapons without going to dual wield stance. That means you must use both of them no matter what. There is no spear with a dagger build or a greatsword with a sword build, the moment you want to equip something except a shield in your left hand, it forces you to dual wield it. The single slot for both hands also means that if you want to change a weapon you have to go to inventory each single time. This drastically limits the amount of builds you can use in the game.
Lastly there is this special slot for long range weapons. This includes all bows, crossbows, catalyst and hand-thrown weapons. This also has its own button on the gamepad as the umbral lamp does. This is an example of a janky gimmick. There is zero reason why not to have more weapon slots for right and left hand that would fit all range weapons and the umbral lamp. They fear of copying good mechanics from dark souls - so they rather tried to reinvent the wheel.

Throughout the Mournstad you will fight 5-6 types of enemies and their reskins. Every single location has:
Grunts: that are just reskins of the grunts from previous locations, they are used in hordes to just quickly populate the area.
Meathead: The big enemy guy that is a health sponge and you can just run past him.
Annoying range guy: Of course there will always be someone sniping you from across the map.
Regular: And lastly every location has these “dudes”, uninspiring hack and slash mobs with little to no variety.
The rest are just variations with one or two new things so they can be classified as a new enemy. I thought the Elden ring had no variety but this takes a crown.
All of these enemies will be spammed across the area with little to no thought. And if there is a review pointing out this diablo like hordes of enemies and there is a developer responding to this. They will just totally ignore the whole review and say something along how unfortunately it is that you are unprepared enough for this hardcore genre.

Online is unplayable
PvP has three possibilities that might happen:
You will get disconnected.
The host is hosting on Mcdonald's wifi, this leads to a truly unforgettable experience.
You will one-shot kill the host or he will one-shot kill you. Spoiler! There is no balance.

In PvE, seamless co-op is apparently activated for everyone.
So if you want to just help people killing bosses. You are stuck in their world even after killing a boss or dying, so each time you have to leave to the main menu and start the game to do this process again.

The world and the lore is very fascinating.
The developers are patching something every single day.
After each patch a thumbnail on easy anticheat loading screen changes, which is pointless but kinda cute.
There are PvP and PvE factions so even though the online is terrible I still want those faction rewards.
You can see this remnants of the past thanks to the umbrella lamp. You can listen to what happened before you came to the Mournstad. Unfortunately it is extremely hard to pay attention when there is a horde of enemies attacking you.
Graphically it is very pleasing.
Tons and tons of fancy armors and weapons to collect.
Soundtrack totally rocks, from beginning to end it is banger after banger.
Publicada el 29 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 29 de octubre de 2023.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 29 OCT 2023 a las 13:52 (ver respuesta)
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9.1 h registradas (1.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It is probably the closest thing to the original motorstorm we will ever get. Not much content in the game right now but the gameplay is fun, racing mixed with skydiving is surprisingly well done. Most of the modes are great but to my suprise mode about wrecking other cars in the arena were least annoying, maybe because it was a bit too simplistic compared to racing modes. But after all, it is easier to make more content than good gameplay.

Edit from negative review: Changed a few settings and now loading screens are a bit faster.
Loading....loads cutscene, press skip fifty times just to get to another loading screen. Game itself would be great if the player would not have to spend 10 minutes between each match just pressing through cutscenes and like eight loading screens.
Publicada el 6 de mayo de 2023. Última edición: 7 de mayo de 2023.
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1 persona encontró divertida esta reseña
104.6 h registradas (17.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Getting your vehicle hacked means you can not shoot anymore but starting the engine still works, call that logic. Then get fifty player piloted missiles that can swiftly turn around corners on your face right from spawn.
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2022. Última edición: 1 de diciembre de 2022.
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5.7 h registradas (3.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Audiovisual obscenity, get a headset on and go ! I just witnessed someone's pure spew of fantasy. Big part of it goes to artist H.R Giger that scorn was definitely inspired by and I am seeing some Zdislaw Beksinski too, especially outdoor areas, but whoever at EBB software managed to bring it into game format has big thanks from me. Just a one minor mistake, some saves are so far apart unfortunate death can lead you to redo a large part.
Publicada el 14 de octubre de 2022. Última edición: 14 de octubre de 2022.
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61.0 h registradas (3.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Shatterline stands out among usually run and gun games with it's many small gimmicks. They are small and not really genre redefining but if you have a lot of them, it creates something bigger. There is always something to kill others with rather than just shooting, stuff to kick at players and interactables to experiment with. Flank routes on maps are contaminated with hazards and will drain your hp so it's up to you to decide if it's worth flanking. Barricade mod is super fun, quick and easy to learn. Map for escort mode is looking great but it seems to favor defenders. As I mentioned there is a lot of stuff to interact with but it's a little bit janky. The moment you press the interact button you are moved to a predetermined position and then do the interaction. So each time you press the button you are moved to a spot, almost like it freezes you in place for a sec or two. If you stand right on it, it's not noticeable but the further you are the more janky interacting with objects is. Another minus is that actions are bound to the same button, sometimes I want to crouch but the character will slide. This might be a bug but the game sometimes lets you hold grenades and sometimes he just throws it immediately after pressing the button. Tons of stuff to unlock if you are into that. After Dirty bomb and warface collapsed it's nice to have next fee-to-play shooter.
Publicada el 15 de septiembre de 2022. Última edición: 3 de diciembre de 2022.
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