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25.7 hrs on record
If you want to play factorio but you dont want to think, this is the right game for you
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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5.5 hrs on record
It's bad.

I typically enjoy "dank" horror games and dive into my Steam backlog each October. Unfortunately it's bad and not the funny kinda bad, its just underwhelmingly bad.

My main issues:

Frequent Crashes: The game crashed 3 times in just 3 hours! Forcing me to replay around 15-20 minutes in total. Apparently it was Unreal Engine issues...

Glitches: I fell through the floor once, luckily it did a quicksave so i didn't lost any progress by that.

Lack of Threat: I never managed to die in this game. The petrified enemies can hit you repeatedly, but even after going back and forth between enemies for more than 10 rounds getting smacked, only a bloody screen effect was happening, nothing else. It feels like there's no real danger at all.

Underwhelming Mechanics: The Nautilus character kicked me around the room in the last part of the game, but it was more frustrating than frightening. Getting stuck several times inside him and as soon as he loses line of sight he gives up following you. Same here, i didn't die even after getting kicked/punched by that thing several times in a row. About the whistling and hiding spots: They are completely pointless. After the initial introduction, There was no real reason to engage with them.

With no way to die, several crashes, and pointless game mechanics, the only thing was left was a pretty bad walking sim.
Posted 28 September, 2024. Last edited 30 September, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
It's not bad, got it on 30% Sale and feels like thats a fair price (Full Price may be a bit much)

You get what you expect, Castlevania II if it was made post PS3 era.

Game has "Stiff" oldschool Controls like Ninja Gaiden/Castlevania on NES but i guess you can expect it by what this DLC offers and want's to be.
Whip only works Left and Right, Up+Attack triggers the Subweapon (Sucks extremly and you can't turn it off) While you also have designated button for it.
Dialogue is obviously way better compared to Castlevania II. Still really cryptic sometimes but I had fun figuring things out when playing.
It's open world and of course i went into the 2nd Dungeon first and suffered quite a lot, laughed it off later. It was my own fault kinda, the game is kinda open world, so if you stubborn enough you will reach your goal eventually.

If you like Oldschool Games/Playstyle and dont mind the jank that you also had back in the day, its a fine DLC.
Posted 22 September, 2024. Last edited 22 September, 2024.
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5.1 hrs on record
It's a very, very light take on the Dungeon Crawler genre like Legend of Grimrock.

You have no Party and no customization
No Resting option
No Hunger
No Gear/Weight problems, you have 36 Inventory slots, doesn't matter what you carry with you
No Shop/Money
There is XP and Level ups, they only increase your HP+Mana

Playstyle you can either go Melee, get a Bow (Gets really bad later on) or use your Spells. However, spells costs mana and since you cant rest you revert to Melee Combat (at least i did)

Is it bad? Well not really. Its still okay but you shouldn't expect a mechanical deep refined game. If you ever felt like playing a Dungeon Crawler on Brain-Off Mode, go for it and play this game here.
Posted 10 August, 2024.
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25.9 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
So far it feels like a mix between 3D-Zelda, My Time at Portia and Persona.

If you keen with the Playstyle its quite easy (even on "Tough Mode").
I suggest to not buy Potions/Equipment to have a challenge with the Batlles.

Some of the characters are super quirky and i don't feel like befrending them and just do it for the rewards, sometimes i feel like i cant give a proper response to what i feel like i would say.

The Dungeons are super fun and a lot of them have a cool twist, themes or mechanics, the area split makes it interesting enough to keep the Fighting on the interesting side.

All in all, its good but its good and fun, can recommend and it feels somewhat relatable in a way to "Get away from your monotenous daily work live".
Posted 21 July, 2024.
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0.8 hrs on record
Finished 12 out of 18 Stages.

Game is janky trash. Controls are horrible and naration tries to be sarcastic/funny like Portal but he doesn't know what acting is.

Whatever i tried to do here, it wasn't worth it for sure.
Posted 11 July, 2024. Last edited 11 July, 2024.
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4.0 hrs on record
It's a fun little game like Celeste.
There really isn't a story except "Get to the Goal" + get the collectables on the way through the Levels.
Not very long but was a fun little experience with some unique mechanics adding up through the stages.
Posted 8 June, 2024. Last edited 8 June, 2024.
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6.0 hrs on record
If you still remember SOUL BLAZER and you liked that game, you will most likely feel at home here.
Posted 21 April, 2024.
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7.2 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
It's Zelda 1 but good and you're a Spaceship
Posted 10 April, 2024.
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11.0 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
If you like Advance Wars you most likely will also like Empires Shall Fall.

Some things though to mention:
- There is no Water-Units (At least i haven't found some yet and i am deep into Campaign Mode already)
- It's very easy to missclick, happened to me several times that i just skipped a turn by accident
- The Game only has 2 factions and all the Commanders on one side are basically the same, so there is basically only 2 Parties (Empire and Legion) while the specific Characters offer basically nothing.

What would be neat:
- Add Water-Units (duh)
- Some more effects and variety, for example using your CO-Power looks kinda bland.
- more factions/commanders that feel different from what exist already

What's pretty cool:
- You can customize your units, like spawning a Rifleman if your Tank dies or giving Units more Range or more Movement speed. Also Both Factions offer different bonuses
- Even it offers no variety in the Commanders, you get 4 Specials you can choose from, taking the best one for your situation (Like Units can Move immediately after being built, just to name one example)

The 12€ on Sale is definitely worth it.
Posted 24 February, 2024.
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