Viki   Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
I´m a friendly, open-minded gamer, who likes to play every kind of game in every kind of
genre! :)
Feel free to add me but consider me as an occasional player ;)

3DS Friendscode: 4811-7145-4412
PSN ID: Vreaky

List of some of my favorite games:
- Mirror´s Edge (PC)
- Super Mario Bros. 1+2 (DS)
- Pokemon Silver/Gold+Black (DS)
- Blur (PS3)
- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (PS3)
- Crysis 2 (PS3)
- Anno 1701 (PC)
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3DS)
- Trackmania (PC)
- All Professor Layton Games :D (DS)

Games i will play any time soon:
Tomb Raider (PC)
Professor Layton And The Mask Of Miracle (3DS)

As you can see, my list of favorite games is full of diversity, so i am thankful for
any recommendation you can give me :D

Actuellement hors ligne
†Diablo† 11 mai 2013 à 2h50 
So, habe dich nun auch auf der PS3 geaddet, musst mich nur noch annehmen ;)
Paddy 9 mai 2013 à 4h43 
Ich hab zu danken. ;) Man kann nie genug neue nette Leute kennen lernen.. =oD
†Diablo† 7 mai 2013 à 3h17 
Helas, klar gerne und danke fürs annehmen ;) Wenn du mal plaudern oder was zusammen daddeln willst dann schreib mich einfach an ;)