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Recent reviews by s-s-stutterg0d

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121 people found this review helpful
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639.3 hrs on record (504.4 hrs at review time)
ONLY if it's On Sale

I regret buying it for full price, but I don't regret having it.


- Gameplay is addicting and pretty competitive online. Each car behaves uniquely and thus you have to adapt and use that to your advantage. the new Boost-NOS mechanic is also a huge W. It adds an element of strategy when racing and is super satisfying when you get the hang of it.

- Need For Speed customization, Pretty self-explanatory.

- I didn't like the colorful "tag" effects you can put on your car at first, but they've really grown on me. Being able to customize them individually for each car is also nice. They also affect the color of your NOS which is pretty cool.


- As mentioned above, although all cars have unique handling, some are seemingly made for drifting, no matter how much you try to tune them for grip-racing. Pretty annoying when you want to turn and your car ends up 90 degrees into a wall.

- Along with Toyota, Audi is also not present this time around. Soooo no R8. Some rims from previous entries are also no longer present.

- No reset button.

- It's baffling, but your wrap library is limited to 100 wraps. So in theory, if you own every single car, you can only have wraps on 100 of them.

- No custom-symbol creator. Want to save time and plaster some custom-made decals? Gonna have to do it the old school way. Tediously.

- Cops are either useless, or frustrating. No in-between. You either evade them when you don't want to, or you can't evade them and get 1-tapped by SWAT trucks when they lightly brush up against your car.

- The legendary cars that were free in Heat (Eddie's R34, Rachel's 350z, etc.) are now pay-walled this time around. Gotta love EA.
Posted 13 February, 2024.
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0.4 hrs on record
Very fun game!
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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153.6 hrs on record (59.8 hrs at review time)
Surprised I haven't written a review yet for this gem of a game. Perfect mix of action and survival horror, with a good story, good game mechanics, and charming, memorable environments.

TL;DR When pretty much 99.9% of people that have played this game in the past have loved it, you should probably take it as a hint that it's a really good game that you should at least look into a little more.

My first rated M game I ever got when I started playing games back when I was 8 or 9 years old. I'm 20 years old now, and have easily beat this game over 100 times. Ranks as one of my most favorite games of all time and introduced me to the Resident Evil series. I've played most of the games in this franchise, and despite what some super, radical, hardcore fans might say, this is one of the best games in the series, and in my honest opinion, when a game (a single player game at that!) that's 18 years old gets ported to just about every console ever, is critically acclaimed, and gets you to beat it more than 100 times from how fun it is, I consider it to be one of the best games ever made in the history of video games, hands down.
Posted 14 October, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
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62.8 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
tl;dr - Gud gaem es spo0ky af

It gave me such a nostalgic erection. I've played just about all Resident Evil titles, and Capcom's finally made the right move forward with RE7. Not too sure why people say it's not Resident Evil, because it has pretty much everything that classic Resident Evil's had. It's pretty spooky, and aside from the jumpscares, I often found myself panicking in fear as I ran away from enemies, as I could hear them get closer and closer with their superior speed. I kind of feel like towards the end of the relatively short game (Finish time: 8:31'37 - Normal, taking my time with it), it started getting rushed a bit. The final boss battle slightly disappointed me, and hearing a lot of good music at the ending credits confused me a bit, as there was almost no music in the game, apart from enemy music/the save room theme amongst others. Also felt as if the references were a tiny bit forced (like, why would the Bakers have a portrait of the Arklay Mountains, being in Louisiana?). Despite the few cons, I'd still recommend it, but perhaps not at its $60 price tag. It's not the best Resident Evil but it's not the worst either, and the route Capcom have taken with this game really pleases me. I'll definitely be playing this again and again. It also looks gorgeous, graphics-wise. Perhaps once the DLC's drop I'll update this review.
Posted 25 January, 2017.
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98 people found this review helpful
10 people found this review funny
14,198.1 hrs on record (8,286.7 hrs at review time)
tl;dr (6/17/2022)
- don't even bother downloading
- the remnant cesspool of a playerbase that's left consists of cheaters, sh!tters, and tryhards.
- game has no devs, mods can't do anything because arbitrary rules prevent them from being able to
- CEO has been AWOL for a while now
- copy paste the same events each year
- they're milking the game for all it's worth at this point

EDIT June 17th, 2022:

This is it. It's over. The game no longer has anymore potential. Devs? What devs? GM's (mods) aren't allowed to do much of anything, ban evasion is apparently allowed to keep the little population it has from plummeting. It's just filled with tryhards that use the cheapest tactics/exploits/bugs/weapons to win, blatant cheaters that can easily remake a new character IF they even get banned, and casuals that rarely ever do missions and talk weird in general chat. CEO of Little Orbit was supposed to make some announcement soon but it's been months since the announcement of his incoming announcement lol...

Little Orbit ended up being just as bad as GamersFirst. They're just milking this game until it's completely dead.

I think I'm done with the game, too. seems like the last few decent players are all slowly trickling away from this game and I can't blame them. I've lost all hope for the future of this game and it saddens me, because this game was my game, my childhood.

EDITED July 9th, 2021:

This game is in its death bed. As I'm writing this, the average NA server population is sitting at around just 50 players during peak hours. Unfortunately for high threat players (Gold), the only active district is one which they can't even join (Bronze).

EU still has a bit more players at around 400 during peak hourse, but it's as dead as NA during non-peak. I don't understand the decisions the new owner company has done. I don't expect this game to survive much longer in its current situation. It was fun while it lasted.

EDIT 6/20/2018:

New devs have my hopes up, until they resolve certain issues, this review will remain negative.

"Oh yeah, the engine version update will happen soon." ~2014
"Yeah, don't worry, soon." ~2016

(edit 7/9/21: they added Easy anti-cheat which almost completely got rid of hackers but for some reason they got rid of it and implemented BE again(why??))
-toxic community
-lots of lag (continues to be a big issue)

Current state is pretty bad. Very addictive, but at the same time very bad. Devs seem to pump out more virtual things (microtransaction things, not free) than fixes to problems. Recently many legitimate players have been getting banned for "harrassment", and the overall active-player count has been falling. Items are insanely overpriced ($40 for a permanent virtual weapon? Come on, now), and new players usually don't stand a chance against "hardened" veteran players. Community is pretty toxic for the most part, and the game seems to be more frustrating than fun to play. Hackers are also common.
Posted 25 September, 2016. Last edited 17 June, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
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278.9 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Teammate 1: "hey i heard if u kill urself u win the round"
Teammate 2: "hey thats a gr8 idea ima stand here next to my breach grenade*
Me: "NO NO NO N-"


Posted 17 December, 2015.
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4,050.4 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So I spawn and see some dude in the distance, running towards me. He's spouting all this random nonsense and ends up nearly killing me, stealing all of my stuff, and then helping me up, shouting "It's just a prank dude! It's just a prank!" before running off.

I follow him to a farm, where I see one of those huge oil pumps outside, next to a long shack. Inside the shack, I hear the dude shouting, and at one point pleading. I walk over to an entrance, and see a dude with a pumpkin head, holding a shotgun, telling the dude- and now me- to leave.

I back off of the entrance, and hear a blast go off inside after more shouting.

Turning, I tell see the shotgunner standing in the doorway, aiming his gun directly at me.
I tell him the whole situation, and how the dude he just shot had stolen my stuff.

"Here, take this, it's all yours," he says, as he throws his shotgun at me. Thanking him, I go on my way, onto a dirt road. In the distance, I see someone roaming around. I get the best idea ever.

I walk over to him, with the shotgun the pumpkin man gave me (now empty by the way) trained on him, and say "This is a robbery, gimme all your loot," through mic.

The man, standing next to a bush, says "Oh god, please, no," and then, his buddy pops out of the bush and shoots an arrow straight through my head. All three of us started laughing hysterically through mic and I just spawned on a random point in the map again.

420/69 would try to mug with an empty shotgun again

Posted 19 October, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries