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Скорошни рецензии на Vexing Vision

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58.9 изиграни часа (25.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Let me start with saying that the difficulty curve is not very good. It is incredibly difficult at the beginning without resources, knowledge or cash (or real ways of making cash). The mid-game becomes incredibly easy when you know your trade routes and have learned how to avoid enemies or flee from them reliably. Then, things become incredibly difficult again because the bigger ships require you to relearn everything about fuel and supply consumation.

The middle-game has a boring challenge-level. But by Salt and by Stone, exploring the wonderful unique vistas and brilliantly crafted islands is simply glorious.

From learning the roles of Masks on Visage to finding out where all the postmen of London disappeared to (and where the lost letters and parcels ended up), from visiting the Uttershroom (a semi-sentient fungi colony settled by a few humans) or the majestic court of the King of the Drownies, the setting is a fantastic mix of Victorian Steampunk, a heavy dose of Lovecraft and a very unique and poetic humour.

It is also the most subversive game. I set out as a good-aligned adventurer in search of riches and love and is now a cannibal arsonist smuggler in a fierce battle over his soul with an entire kingdom made up from monkeys. Apes, actually, but don't call them that.

I fear the replay value is not as good as it could be, as there are very few genuinely branching storylines, but what there is is enough content by far to spend quite a long time exploring. My current captain has survived for roughly 20 hours of in-game time now, and I feel like at best I've discovered half of the lore and a quarter of all the secrets, and am not even getting close to fulfilling my Captain's desire of wealth and fortune.

I wish ships had more cargo. I wish the officers you hire had more personality and would interact with each other. I wish storylines were more branching. But most of all, I wish to spend a lot more time zailing the Unterzee.
Публикувана 14 февруари 2015.
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224.8 изиграни часа (24.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
This is early access. There are some rough edges around the slightly unresponsive UI (selecting the rooms which to explore, etc), balance of classes (Jesters are fun but everyone else does what they do so much better at it) and difficulty curve (there's an immensely ugly spike from level 3 to level 5 dungeons and it's not entirely unreasonable that you WILL die during your tutorial battle).

But that's Early Access. And even now, even limited to "only" 10 out of 16 hero classes, and 3 out of 5 dungeons, the game is absolutely glorious in art and feeling. From the very first time I've set my eyes on the original trailer to accessing Kickstarter-Backer-only Pre-Early Access, I've been in love with the game.

Finally there is a meaningful "flee" mechanic. It makes sense to abandoning a mission - you won't get the rewards, your heroes will be unhappy about it, but at least you get them out alive and all the loot they've gathered so far. And this loot will determine if you can afford their drinking sprees and self-flagellation practices in town to get them to function like normal beings again. Normal adventurer beings.

Don't get too attached to your heroes. They will die, whether in a hag's cooking pot (what an amazing boss fight!), poisoned by sentient fungi or hacked to pieces by giant undead skeletons. They will die, and they will grow mad (or, rarely, heroic) and those who survive will develop most unpleasant traits during the weeks of their adventurers' life.

And still you'll be hiring new faces, new classes with new skill sets to send them to their doom underneath your family's ancient manor while using your loot to slowly build up and expand your hamlet and base of operations.

It's the best and most complete Early Access game I have every played - if this sounds like something you enjoy, go for it. I certainly do not regret a single cent spent on the Kickstarter.
Публикувана 4 февруари 2015.
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68 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
48.7 изиграни часа (6.3 часа по време на рецензията)
I'm not really Anime. I thoroughly dislike the World War 2 setting. But I heard friends I trust rave about the game, and figured I'd give it a shot.

Bloody hell is this amazing. The combat manages to be both deeply strategic and beautiful fun, the gameplay has an absolute unique look to it and every single one of your soldiers has their own fully voiced back story and personalities.

This is a gorgeous turn-based strategy/RPG mix I never expected to find from a japanese console port.

Highly recommended. Play this. Your gaming experience will be richer for it.
Публикувана 14 ноември 2014.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
26.2 изиграни часа (19.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Magical Diary is the best proper roleplaying game that came out in 2012. It is now 2017, the sequel is nowhere in sight, and I still stand by this. Magical Diary is beautfiul, brave, interesting and full of personality and choice.

And I absolutely mean this unironically. There is an amazing sense of character and depth to your choices, skills and spells you bring with you, and the storyline becomes quite amazing in a mostly non-camp way. Yes, there's a sexy guy with demon wings and a grumpy teacher who maybe isn't that bad, and more school conspiracies than you can shake your wand at - but surprisingly, this all makes for a very smooth and immersive ride where choices really matter.

Fleshing out the story are several mini-challenges in form of dungeon runs - and challenge you they will, with proper multiple solutions based on both what spells you have learned so far and your personal player smarts.

Buy this if you have any love for roleplaying games done right, and don't allow yourself to be put up by the anime graphics and the wizard high school setting. You will not regret this purchase.
Публикувана 2 април 2014. Последно редактирана 24 ноември 2017.
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9.4 изиграни часа (8.7 часа по време на рецензията)
The art-style of the Banner Saga is absolutely amazing. The gameplay, unfortunately, is less so.

For anyone looking for a deep story-based Choose Your Own Adventure, I would strongly recommend King Of Dragonpass instead. At least the first installment of the Banner Saga falls desperately short of this. There are some decisions to make, but they only have an impact on a few scenes wide and far between. Occassionally the loss or gain of a character indicates interesting opportunities, but these are sparse.

I had a lot of fun playing the Banner Saga, even though the obvious lack of consequences to whatever I did along the road was highly disappointing in the end.

Maybe - and I really hope so - there will be real story-changing consequences to my actions in the later parts of the Banner Saga.

I recommend getting the game, but only if you've already done playing King of Dragonpass and itch for something similar if less sophisticated. The art-style and music make for a wonderful journey, though one that leaves a slightly bitter aftertaste.
Публикувана 4 февруари 2014.
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28.5 изиграни часа (25.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Saints Row 4 was an an outstanding and thoroughly fun experience. The writing and voice acting is continously superb, the characters fun and the world interesting.
However, in Saints Row 3, it felt as if your character was the star of the show and running things - in Saints Row 4, it feels like your character is running things for everyone else.
I had slightly more fun in Saints Row 3 due to this, but this is complaining on a very high level - buy this game if you enjoyed SR3. Buy SR3 instead if you haven't yet, and then come back to SR4 once you're through with that.
Публикувана 2 септември 2013.
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17.8 изиграни часа (11.1 часа по време на рецензията)
The freedom and sheer joy of exploring Scribblenauts Unlimited is wonderful. Creativity gets rewarded by being creative - the game is less about "what is the solution to this problem" but more about "let's see how creative I can be with this solution". In other words, it's very much like The Incredible Machine, only with words.
Публикувана 28 юни 2013.
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22.3 изиграни часа (19.3 часа по време на рецензията)
The narrator is probably among the sexiest things on this planet, and certainly in any game.
Solid mechanics, interesting narrative and one of the best story-telling experience currently available in digital format.
Публикувана 27 декември 2011.
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