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71.6 hrs on record (44.0 hrs at review time)
I would not recommend it full price to be honest. But it has a come long way since release.
It's still not fully there and it especially needs some more heists and polish, but if it is on sale again I fully recommend it.

I find the gunplay fun and stealth even more so. Especially good compared to PD2, you are not locked into a playstyle as strong anymore. At least up until Very Hard you can survive and finish a stealth heist gone loud, on overkill it depends a bit more on when and where.

But yeah, the next time it is 50% off again, give it a shot. It's not the cluster♥♥♥♥ the mostly negative from release makes you think it is anymore.
Posted 13 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
I highly recommend it if you have any interest in a) a cold war Setting, that's not the US, b) in German Arma Content c) especially east German content – since there is no other mod or dlc that gives you a fire fighter Trabant.
The Assets added at release where high quality and unique. And further updates added 1. Helicopters and then even some 90s Germany Equipment as well as Marder IFVs.
Maybe more will come. (Hoping for Leo2 and an east German equivalent here)
The Campaign is nice, but somewhat hindered by Arma AI, but that's not really the CDLCs fault.
But most fun you will get if you find a Unit to play Missions with.
Sadly, the population of public MP servers with it is a bit low, although there is the official Warmachine Server which is a CTI style PvE server where you can have some fun on Weferlingen.
Speaking of it, the map is great and has mostly unique building and other assets to recreate an 80s German inner border region - although the border crossing a few hundred metres further south is sadly not implemented, but I understand the reasoning behind that, since the adjacent large town would probably tank performance somewhat and need further assets. Also, the map comes in a summer and a winter version.
I would recommend this DLC even at full price, but if its on a sale, there really is no reason to not buy it, since it has more content than even most of the Bohemia developed DLC.

Posted 11 May, 2021.
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17.1 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
More Explosions!
More Bros!
More Blood!
Bros in Blood-Explosions!
...is there anything more to ask for?

Stupid as hell, but mindless fun... nice game for some quick awesome action when it's needed.
...and a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of action movie chars to kill and die with.
Posted 22 December, 2014.
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2.9 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Nicht nur dass es Metal Gear ad Absurdum führt...
...es spielt sich auch noch absolut uninteressant...
...und da ich die Blockmechanilk nicht verstanden hab, werd ich eh nur zerlegt...

...das beste ist eigentlich noch der Soundtrack... und der ist wenns hpoch kommt durchschnittlich.
Posted 22 December, 2014.
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13.8 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Mehr davon.
Posted 27 May, 2013.
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5.5 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Das ultimative Spiel zu allenm Actionfilmen zwischen 1970 und 1990.
Posted 2 May, 2013.
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30.2 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
Thief + Bioshock = Win!
Posted 12 April, 2013.
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11.3 hrs on record
Most metal game ever created.
Es gibt absolut keine Entschuldigung das für den Preis nicht zu spielen, wenn man auch nur ansatzweise mit der Musik etwas anfangen kann.
Posted 26 February, 2013.
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10.6 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
Sollte man defionitiv gespielt haben...
...allerdings sollte man sich gedanken machen, wenn man dabei ungetrübten Spaß empfindet.

...allgemein ein Spiel was zum Denken anregen sollte.
Posted 29 December, 2012.
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39.2 hrs on record (39.1 hrs at review time)
Hab ich Wargame eigentlich schon uneingeschränkt empfohlen?
Oh... nein... hab ich nicht...
Gut uneingeschränkt wäre wohl etwas betrieben, weil der taktische Tiefgang und das recht langsame Spielprinzip sicher nicht was für jeden sind...
....aber jedem der sich damit anfreunden kann empfehle ich dieses Spiel!
Posted 17 July, 2012.
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