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23.9 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
It's Doom. Go and get it!
Posted 27 November, 2020.
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19.1 hrs on record
This game has some great storytelling and is just amazing. Defenetly recommend it for anyone that wants a great storydriven game.
Posted 21 October, 2020.
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214.6 hrs on record (201.0 hrs at review time)
Super satisfying gunplay. Very nice destruction on the maps. Cool abilities and gadgets. What more could you want from a shooter ^^

Defenetively recommend it!
Posted 18 October, 2020.
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62.9 hrs on record (50.7 hrs at review time)
I have been spending way to much time on this game, and finished it on insane difficulty multiple times, so I feel its about time I write a review to justify my addiction to the game.

I know this will be a long review becouse of my absolute love for this game, so I will divide it in three parts. A short version that just introduce what the game is, and a longer one, going in more on details on why I still play it. And a summary on why I recommend it.

---|Short Version|---
So what is Outlast? Its a first person horror game, taking place in a psychiatric hospital called Mount Massive Asylum. You play as the journalist Miles Upsher, as he investigates the asylum after a anonymouse mail is sent to him. As you enter the asylum, you will have to run, hide and avoid all the crazy inhabitants that occupy the hospital, to uncover the dark and twisted history behind it all.
---|Longer Version (Basically me fangirling over the game. Read if you want, or skip to the summary. N-not Like I care or anything b-baka)|---
Alright so why have I've been putting so many hours on a linear game that I have replayd countless of times? The simple answere is that I dont know. There is so much I think this game does right. The athmosphere is very well made, all from the distant screams in the walls, to the unnervingly silent parts where the only thing you hear is your own breathing, creates the perfect horror athomsphere. The special sounds that play for certain enemies lets you know who you are facing, at the same time giving you the feeling that they are not to be messed with. The level design in my opinon is great, and while its very linear, while stressed, you may make the wrong turn and there is nothing more horrofying then running into a locked door, while the all too familiar sounds of chains rustling behind you move closer.

Ok so thats some of what I love about this game, but how can I still play it? Becouse of Insane difficulty. For those of you who dont know, Insane difficulty makes all enemies do way more damage to you, and can see you easier. You also get only two batteries to your camera to work with. Same as Nightmare, but what Insane does is bringing in perma death into the play. That makes every encounter a deadly threat that may set you back by an hour. So whats fun about it is to perfect your run, making it faster and being as efficient as possible with the camera. I have now reached a point where I rarely need to worry about batteries, as Im comfortable to run in the dark based on my map knowledge, and have learnt almost every way to juke the enemie to easily get past. But still I feel like I can improve and make it more time efficient and less dangerous.
So I know this review got really long, but thats becouse I genuinly love this game.
So do I recommend it? Well if you did read my wall of fanboying then you should definetly know the answere.
Yes, I highly recommend it. If you love horror games then this is perfect for you. And if you dont, well then this might not be the game for you. Even if you are not going to do as me and play it 50 times in a row, its still worth your time the first time you play it, and now when the price has gone down since I bought it, then there is no reason not to buy it.

If you read through all of this, then thank you. :3
And if you decide to buy Outlast, I really do hope you have as much fun as I am having with it.
Posted 10 February, 2020. Last edited 16 December, 2020.
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109.3 hrs on record (104.1 hrs at review time)
So with the new Dying Light 2 coming (hopefully) soon, I thought "Hey, why not write about this game while I wait."
So anyways. This game is a perfect combination of Mirrors Edge and zombies.
You run around killing zombies and complete missions, but guess what, you do it all while parkouring through the broken down world. It's amazing parkour system is what really keept me playing this game for so many hours. Pretty much wherever you want to go, you can go there. And the way you can combine different moves is just amazing.
During the game you will learn even more cool tricks and taking out zombies went from bashing their head in, to trying and throw them of the rooftop in the most ridicoulus way ever.
And the game has coop. I dont really need to say more about that. Grab some cute fwendos and play. Every game is fun with fwendos.

So do I recommend it? Of course! Until the secound game is out, this will be my favorite zombie game of all time, and if you havent played it yet, then go grab some fwendos and start playing! Or play solo I guess, if you dont have any fwendos :/... It's fun anyway.
Posted 7 November, 2019. Last edited 10 November, 2019.
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66.6 hrs on record (22.0 hrs at review time)
This has to be one of the best horror experiances I have ever played, and be the best game for the Alien franchise.
I just love being chased by the cute alien (Dont tell him that, he is clingy as is) through the Sevastpol station. The game really gets the feeling from the movies, and is intense all the way through. Crawling through the dark vents and walking in a corridor can be equally scary, for you never know when the alien will appear and chew on you >:3
The most intressting part in this game is what you might suspect, the alien. And the AI for it is no joke. This cutie will hunt you through the entire game, but watch out. As you start to learn his behavior, he will do the same, learning your playstyle and how to counter it. Effectivly becoming a more efficient killing machine, or as I like to call him, a cozy hugger UwU.
So if you want a great horror game, or simply just love the Alien franchise, then I cant recommend this game enought.

(btw, xenomorph-senpai is best waifu. Fight me! >:3)
Posted 3 November, 2019. Last edited 10 November, 2019.
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306.1 hrs on record (34.0 hrs at review time)
Warframe is a game that I both like and hate. And let me explain why.

In Warframe, you play as a Tenno, and you control something called a warframe. The warframe is like a different body that is remote controled by the Tenno (as far as I understand, but I might be wrong) and you run around doing different missions on different planets.

Types of mission can be from excuvation where you have to defend drills from enemie waves, to spy mission, where the goal is to (hopefully) undetected sneak in and hack 3 terminals. There is a big variety of mission spread out on a bunch of planets that you will unlock. I will talk more about unlocking planets later.

The gameplay in Warframe is great. You jump around like a ninja while you slaughter different types of enemies. The gunplay feels good, the abilities are fun, and being a team of friends doing missions is always a great time. You can get new gear and even new warframes that have unique abilities. But it will require patience to get this new equipment.

So what do I mean with needing patience? Is there a level requierment? Is it a huge grind? Is there a crafting system that requieres you to wait 24 hours for a new piece of gear? Yes, yes and yes. And that takes me to the one thing I dont like about the game. The progression. Its so slow. Take for example you want to craft a new weapon. Well first you will need to have the required mastery rank if the weapon requires it. Then you need to farm all the resources to craft it. Now that sounds all fine but then then you see the time until done is 24 hours.
But the worst part is the warframes. These things takes time. First, you need the blueprint. Sounds easy, well, you need the blueprint for the systems, chassi, optics and of course, the actual warframe. From the little I have seen, each of theses seem to take 24 hours. But finding the blueprints is not easy as some requires alot of grind for that drop.

But the grind continues. To unlock new planets, you will need to go through junctions. However these can be really easy sometimes, but some needs you to grind stuff until you are allowed to pass.

How you get stronger in this game is by mods. Mods can be put on your weapons and warframe to make them alot more powerful. And how do you get mods? Random drops on missions of course. These are not that hard to get though. What is a bit more time consuming is to upgrade the mods. You do that using Endo, something that seems to be a random drop on missions, or found in containers (Im going to be honest, I dont know every way you can get this). Upgrading mods will be easy at first, but soon get allot more expensive and require more endo. This is a pain, as getting a huge amount of endo is slow in early game.

Now for the mastery level, Im fine with it. To level that up, you need to reach lvl 30 on any weapon. Then do a test to see if you are worthy. It can be anoyinng that its a 24 hour cooldown between tests, but I dont think its as annoying as the crafting system.

So why do I still recommend this game after I have ranted about the extreme grind it has?

Becouse it can be really fun to play. As I said earlier, the gunplay is satisfying, and the overall gameplay is good. And the developers seems to care from what I have seen.
It might not be very new player friendly but when you get used to it, the real fun begins.

Why I focused alot on the grinding aspect in this review is to let new players know that this is a game that requires a huge time investment, but if you commit to it, it can be great fun. And the game is free, so you got nothing to lose, exept time

I also want to point out I am not a veteran player, so this is mostly a newish players thought on the game, and if anything I said was not 100% correct, Im sorry.
Posted 27 July, 2019.
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68.5 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
This game is by far my #1 game. And let me tell you why I really enjoy it.

---Short version for those who just want basic idea---
So first of, lets talk briefly of what this game is.
In Dishonored, you play as the former bodyguard of the empress, turned assasin. You eliminate your targets with help of unnatural powers gifted to you. When I say eliminating targets, you don't actually have to kill them, but can use non-leathal plays to keep your hands clean. This will also result in low chaose, something I will talk more about soon. You also have a ton of different ways to complete your missions. This results in allot of replayability as you find new ways to finish a mission.

---Now for a more in-depth review---
Ok, so that's the basic, but what really makes this game good?

The map design: I think its great. Why? Becouse almost everytime I do a new playthrought, I seem to always find a new way to finish my mission, or easier paths past enemies. This makes it very fun to play the game over and over again, and learn new ways to make it easier, or more challenging if you want. There are few games that I play through more then 3 times after Im done, but this one is on the list.

The powers/abilities: These are real fun to use, and can drasticly change how you play. Maybe you got the rat swarm power, so now you can summon a army of rats to attack. Or maybe you got agility, that increase your jump height. Well now you can reach new places that will make it allot easier. And combining different powers can be realy fun.

The chaos level: This is really basic. If you kill allot of people, you get high chaos. Non-leathal will give you low chaose. This will make changes that you will notice in both the game world, but allso in the ending, further increasing replayability to get both endings.

That was my Dishonored Review. If you have read this far, thank you, and go buy this amazing game.
Posted 27 July, 2019. Last edited 27 July, 2019.
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18.4 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
I got this game from my HumbleBundle and I am very glad for that. This game feels very unic. So you control these drones that explore different space stations and ships. What makes this game so interesting to me is how there is a console window that you use for different tasks like controling the drones or open/close doors. You have to be strategic to not lose any drones to the dangers of space, and be resurceful to not run out of fuel out in space. You will quickly notice how there is no soundtrack in game but I dont see that as a negative, but more posetive as it adds to the immersion.

I highly recommend this to anyone that wants a more intressting rouge like game.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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3.5 hrs on record
Whery good game if you know what I mean *slurp* *slurp* :3
Posted 18 December, 2018.
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