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35.2 hrs on record (27.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
...At least you have assured the Administrator that nothing will go wrong.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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29.0 hrs on record
In Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, you can...

- erase your name
- become an agent
- visit a realistic cabaret club
- go on a date with a Vtuber
- smoke
- sing karaoke (again)
- play classic arcade games (again)
- play mahjong (again)
- go golfing (again)
- Find out that SEGA made a console other the Genesis or the Dreamcast
- play classic console games on said console
- Find out that the classic games on said console are complete garbage
- meet Kaito from Judgment, RGG studio's other game
- buy Judgment for $39.99 on Steam, which is better than the classic games on said console
- smoke
- summon a small army of drones
- visit a castle
- fight in a colosseum
- recruit a band of misfits to conquer the arena of battle
- recruit a killer robot to your team
- recruit a giant baby to your team
- recruit Kaito from Judgment to your team
- recruit a chicken to your team
- find out that chicken can take out an SMG and kill everyone
- win
- beat up a clown
- beat up an agent
- beat up the Terminator
- beat up a professional wrestler
- race slot cars with kids (again)
- race slot cars with adults
- get really mad when you lose to said kids and adults
- wonder what you are doing with your life (again)
- smoke
- drink (again)
- drink some more (again)
- gamble away your life savings (again)
- fight alongside a guy with an eyepatch
- meet the guy from Yakuza: Like A Dragon
- realize that this entire series has you doing the same things every single game without much variation
- keep playing because let's face it, Yakuza/Like A Dragon are fun games even if they tend to recycle a lot
- show off your cool dragon tattoo
- cry
- unlock a special demo that lets you go to Hawaii
- wait for Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth to come out

For this purpose, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a pretty good game.
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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0.1 hrs on record
In Ralph's party RPG, you can:

- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes
- Fight snakes

However, you can't

- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!
- Talk to dead!

Sorry Ralph, but this game is neither a party, nor an RPG. Not recommended.
Posted 16 March, 2023.
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52.0 hrs on record (42.9 hrs at review time)
How does the car not run out of gas
Posted 24 November, 2022.
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0.2 hrs on record
If you're looking for one of the easiest 100%s in the entire Steam store, then this this game for you! Take about 5-10 minutes to look through thousands of downloadable flags and reap your reward!

On a serious note- this "game" is really only a piece of software that allows you to look at flags. Some of them have descriptions, but many of them are left blank. There's also an ugly anime character who shows up in every single screen. Even though my profile picture at the time of writing this review is that of an anime character, seeing this specific anime character made me contemplate my reasons for wanting to gain achievements in the first place. Was it for fun? Was it for glory? Was it because I never received any praise for my accomplishments when I was a wee lad, and so these achievements serve as a surrogate for the love, respect, and appreciation for my hard work that I never had?

All in all, this software is pretty barebones and unless you're looking to add another notch on your perfect games list, then it would probably be better to look on Google Images or Wikipedia if you're a flag fanatic. 3/10
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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6.3 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You can rebuild Venice to your own liking in this game well after the real one sinks into the ocean.
Posted 26 November, 2020. Last edited 31 July, 2024.
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100.7 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
In YAKUZA Kiwami, you can...

- be a yakuza
- kill a man
- go to jail for 10 years
- get kicked out of the yakuza
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- find out one of your fighting styles is totally useless
- sing karaoke
- order one of everything on the menu
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- break into a funeral
- watch a failed assassination attempt
- buy ramen
- adopt a child
- feed the dog
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- realize there isn't as much to do in this game as Yakuza 0
- drink
- drink some more
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- collect sexy cards
- battle with sexy cards
- collect more sexy cards
- beat people up
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- sing karaoke (again)
- find out that nearly all of the songs in karaoke are remixes of previous games
- have a nice chat with a lesbian
- fight a sexy guy with an eyepatch
- play mahjong
- solve a mystery
- bowl with the greats
- lose your life savings trying to win a prize at the skill crane
- gamble away your life savings
- realize you can't earn money gambling anymore
- spend your life savings away at slot cars
- look for someone to replace your virgin slot car friend
- race slot cars with a guy with an eyepatch
- shoot someone
- get shot
- fight a guy with an eyepatch
- get bored fighting the same guy over and over
- get frustrated with the final boss
- Wait for YAKUZA KIWAMI 2 to come out on PC
- Realize that YAKUZA KIWAMI 2 has been out on PC for a while now

For this purpose, YAKUZA KIWAMI is a pretty good game.
Posted 26 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2019.
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265.5 hrs on record (68.0 hrs at review time)
In YAKUZA 0, you can...

- be a yakuza
- quit the yakuza
- beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of the yakuza
- sing karaoke
- play classic arcade games
- order one of everything on the menu
- buy ramen
- call someone
- watch a sexy video
- collect sexy cards
- meet a knockoff Michael Jackson
- get your fortune told
- train a dominatrix
- be a fake boyfriend
- be a producer
- beat the ♥♥♥♥ out a producer
- wonder what you are doing with your life
- race slot cars with kids
- find out that the 30 year old virgin is the king of slot cars
- be a virgin
- join a cult
- beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of the cult leader
- deliver pizza
- go to the bathroom
- shake your booty
- go fishing
- bowl a "turkey" to win a chicken
- own a real estate firm
- watch a sexy video of your secretary from your real estate firm
- give the chicken you bowled for a job at your real estate firm
- give knockoff Michael Jackson a job at your real estate firm
- realize that your real estate firm is basically a glorifed money printer
- have an eye patch
- run a cabaret club
- realize that there's nothing funny about running a cabaret club
- customize the cabaret girls
- play knockoff diner dash
- drink
- drink some more
- lose your life savings in a shakedown
- lose your life savings betting on catfights
- lose your life savings trying to win a prize at the skill crane
- lose your life savings at the Dream Machine
- spend your life savings away at slot cars
- gamble away your life savings
- shoot someone
- get shot
- Wait for YAKUZA KIWAMI to come out on PC

For this purpose, YAKUZA 0 is a good game.
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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58.7 hrs on record (43.7 hrs at review time)
In POSTAL 2, you can....

- get a petition signed
- rob a bank
- pee on total strangers
- do drugs
- get Gary Coleman's autograph
- confess your sins
- relive your fond memories of band camp
- steal milk from your local supermarket
- kill Osama bin Laden
- use a cat's butthole as a shotgun muzzle
- try out the latest in the VR craze
- get fired from your job
- run with scissors
- pee on your dead father's grave
- light a match
- return a book at the library
- celebrate Christmas
- read the newspaper
- vote
- kill yourself

Alternatively, you can also go about your normal day with your faithful companion.

Because of that, POSTAL 2 is a very wholesome game.
Posted 25 November, 2017.
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167.7 hrs on record (46.2 hrs at review time)
While it may be unimpressive to more modern FPS, Half-Life still manages to stay my favorite video game of all time.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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