Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Steam is love , Steam is life :csgoanarchist: :csgo_dead:

Write at my wall if u like to add me as your friends :)

bind mwheelup +jump; bind mwheeldown +jump; bind f5 "buy awp"; net_graph 1; net_graphpos 2; net_graphproportionalfont 0; cl_righthand 0; cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0; BindToggle h gameinstructor_enable; snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2; cl_disablefreezecam 1
Bl4Nk 14 feb om 2:56 
low IQ creature.

The waste of resources between you and are your party mates is appalling. The audacity for you creatures to even think about DotA 2 should be punishable by death.
Altale 26 jan om 2:57 
indon dog with 3rd world country pride, bark much with his retarded brain, typical clown LMAO
Bazzi 22 jun 2024 om 13:49 
guk guk guk, diajakin report toxic malah ngatain guk guk guk :steambored:
InSÁnE 11 jun 2024 om 6:03 
This player plays FV carry and his team leading 35k gold and he used REFRESHER ORB once to Chrono illusions, 2nd to Chrono his own team KEKW and he throw the game resulting in humiliating defeat. Match ID : https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7790075467
Super hilarious!!! DOTA WTF youtube soon!
A'Lars 18 apr 2024 om 5:31 
roll more kid :steamsalty: