Quahog, Rhode Island
The show follows the adventures of lovable oaf PETER GRIFFIN (Seth MacFarlane) and his hilariously odd family of middle-class New Englanders. LOIS (Alex Borstein) is Peter’s loving wife, a former Miss Teen Rhode Island who rules the roost but is one step away from a nervous breakdown. Then there are their kids: frumpy, 16-year-old MEG (Mila Kunis), the family’s punching bag; 13-year-old CHRIS (Seth Green), a kid who can’t make sense of the opposite sex, much less the evil monkey hiding in his closet; and 1-year-old STEWIE (MacFarlane), a diabolically clever baby whose heterosexuality is hanging by a thread. Rounding out the Griffin household is BRIAN (MacFarlane), the family dog, a member of Mensa with a penchant for dry martinis and dumb blondes.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
=ARNIE= 27.4.2020 klo 17.27 
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Madmaxgter 3.4.2019 klo 1.00 
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Dispenser ⚡️ 24/7 24.2.2018 klo 13.56 
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