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1 person found this review helpful
707.5 hrs on record (630.0 hrs at review time)
Want to play a game where the gear you worked countless hours to get are rendered useless by the dlc, that adds 2 end-game activities and deletes 6 ones from older dlcs that were already better than the new ones, that you paid for a price way too high for the easy milking content of it, to now have to farm a new system which only consist of farming even more hours to get gear that you'll get to use 3 weeks since the new update will change the meta again so that an old weapon you didn't think of getting this certain role because it was ♥♥♥♥ at the time now becomes the absolute god of the game?

If you read that thinking ''i can go through that'', then go ahead and get the game.
I'll be honest, i like the game, the gameplay feels great when you understand it. Creating a gearset for a certain utility feels nice when you get to use it. Raids are fun to play and make sense if you're not paying too much attention to the lore (this applies to more than raids tbf), you have nice encounters and day one raid experience is nice.

As a mostly PvE player, i found myself enjoying the PvP with my friends and found some challenge in the trials of osiris. Yes it isnt balanced most of the time and you'll get killed in most game by some dude who practiced way too much time to get a half a second corner headshot, but seeing someone play this much to achieve that actually inspire some people so it's not that bad.

Now for the bad part (apart from the rant at the start), the game wants your money, and its not even hiding it. 50 bucks for a dlc feels really high compared to most games in the industry. Now it does add content, but seeing as you need seasons for a lot of things in the games and even some activities, seasons that you buy separately for around 20$ if i remember correctly, and there are 4 seasons per dlc, its not worth paying that much for this small much content, especially since they started putting old dlcs in the content vault ( let's be honest here, they basically delete content that you paid for, saying it might come back at some point, because people didn't play the content from it enough anymore, content that they rendered useless themselves by making the gear basically useless making it not worth to go through an entire raid except for the challenge, which is non-existent because our gear is now way too powerful for our poor lil cutie riven). As for the pvp, the meta is changing way too often and cheaters are ruining the trials experience. i don't really have much to say about pvp since i mostly play pve so thats it for pvp. I also have a last point, for those who bought it on battle.net like me, it really felt bad when they put it free, since it opened the door to cheaters and to so many blueberries that are making things hard for nothing in easy activities. i wouldve prefered to keep buying the game and pay less for the dlcs and seasons.

-From your dearest Telesto, see ya when i crash your game next time!
Posted 24 January, 2022.
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625.8 hrs on record (36.5 hrs at review time)
Super bon jeu
Posted 24 October, 2017.
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