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投稿日: 2017年9月29日 13時37分

This is a bad port with typical COD Damage desing. The game is hitscan and it doesn't matter where you shoot your smg or pistol from it will still always DO X AMOUNT OF DAMAGE. Mouse Sensitivey, what a joke a slider to control my sensitivty, I play on 800 DPI and the slider is almost at 0, imagine if I had a mouse locked at a higher DPI.

Secondly Graphics.... Who sets a MAX FPS?? MAX FPS 250 you will be capped. We are the Master Race if my computer can push out 500FPS I want my 500 FPS. What if I had a 240HZ monitor, 250 capped would be pushing it.

Game Modes, RNG based as well as camping hell in their new War mode.

Wait for Valve to realse DoD 2 (please Valve)
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