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Recent reviews by Tyrope

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2 people found this review helpful
29.2 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
Original review posted on the 13th of April, 2023, update below.

I've been playing this game co-op for a couple days now. And whilst fun, there are a couple of bugs that are just.. aggravating. In an Early Access title I would've been okay with it. But it's not, and we (combined) paid 60 EUR for this.

When blocking a lane with your lights on during a traffic stop, if somebody runs into you the game penalises you with -15 CP.

When an AI glitches trying to switch lanes, flying across the street and flipping your car in the meantime? That's another -15.

Partner lagged and got hit by a car despite having been on the sidewalk for the last 30 seconds on his screen? Game over! Do the shift again.

Not the host? Well this can cause your car to randomly start sliding at times causing you to hit a light post NEXT to the car at mach ♥♥♥♥, causing so much damage that the game decides it's a game over.

So do I recommend this game? Only if you're okay with game breaking bugs.

UPDATE AUGUST 9TH, 2024: Desync and glitches still ruin the multiplayer experience. 1.5yr and 5 DLCs later. Played for like, an hour or so today and AI refusing to drive in an open lane, or entering a junction on a green light has caused many road closures for no reason.
Posted 13 April, 2023. Last edited 9 August, 2024.
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454.4 hrs on record (453.9 hrs at review time)
This is the game that got me into javascript. I already did programming before; but this helped me apply my programming knowledge to the javascript language in an entertaining way.

Little bit of a hint when you start playing. Think outside of the box.
Now think outside of *that* box.
Good. Now break it.
Go on. BREAK IT!

You're welcome.
Posted 26 November, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
40.5 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Full disclosure: was given game for free by a friend through his humble monthly (he didn't want it)

So I launched this game at 1am to "play for an hour to see if it's fun to stream blind". We are now 12,9 hours later, the sun has risen.. and I think I should go to bed.
Posted 30 January, 2020.
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44 people found this review helpful
33.0 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
I've finally finished this title, and by finished I mean I have completed the storyline, because despite appearance in the earlygame, there very much is a story that I won't go into.

HOWEVER! I have 1 suggestion for players who are not quick on the keyboard: Get UplinkOS. I'm a programmer and as such am decent fast with a keyboard. I've also played games for long enough to be accurate with the mouse, but UplinkOS makes the UI much better and easier to work with.
Posted 15 June, 2017.
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535.0 hrs on record (419.9 hrs at review time)
[Disclaimer: This downvote is political and doesn't reflect my thoughts on the actual gameplay]

Cease and Desist to a single player modding community? No, just no.

And to those who wonder, out of the (currently) 444.7hrs on record, I've only played like 3 hours of single player. Haven't finished it, never installed a mod. But this is BAD. I mod the heck out of other games (EuroTruck Sim 2, Factorio, Kerbal Space Program, Minecraft, Space Engineers) but blocking the "core mod" that most, if not all, other mods rely on is one heck of a way to get bad publicity, Take Two Interactive.
Posted 15 June, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
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1.7 hrs on record
Still being sold while servers are dead. Not even useful as a paperweight due to being digital.
Posted 4 October, 2016.
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8.1 hrs on record
I don't normally review games, for I have an odd taste when it comes to games. But here you are, reading a review of a portal 2 mod. So I assume that you own Portal 2, or at least are interested in doing so. Either way, go play portal 2 if you haven't already, Then come back for PS:Mel. It's a continuation and assumes you have all the knowledge from P2.
Posted 28 June, 2015. Last edited 28 June, 2015.
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3.6 hrs on record
Don't get fooled by the screenshots, Despite the 'meh' graphical quality the character development (I realize i'm talking about rectangles here) is EXCELLENT. that, plus the sountrack = Must play.
Posted 1 January, 2013.
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87.1 hrs on record (62.9 hrs at review time)
I just finished the game last night, Co-Op a few days ago.

If you're wondering why you should buy this, think of portal... now of Co-Op... now of co-op portal.

Posted 21 April, 2011.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries