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4 people found this review helpful
15.8 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Picked this game up on release, and although the game had great promise, and devs talked a really good talk, the game play was exceptionally broken because of constant CTD's and unplayable frame rates. I shelved the game to give devs time to cook it and polish what was there, as like i said above, the game had great potential. Today i returned.. only to find there is a lockout error with certain INTEL cpu's .... of which mine is one. I am unable to launch the game, but sadly, with 13 hrs in game and purchased 9mths ago i cant get a refund. I cannot recommend enough NOT to get this game at this time.
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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70.0 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Needs some tweaking, but other than that its really enjoyable to play, Especially with a good fire team.. I mean sneak squad.
Posted 28 September, 2024.
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352.9 hrs on record (64.2 hrs at review time)
I think I have sunk over 5000Hrs int Ark:Survival Evolved. Why? because i loved it, the building and interaction with the Tames/Dinosaurs was what i loved, and what kept me going back to that game for nearly 8Yrs..... And Ark aint got S#*t on Icarus. Its slow, its tactical, and its fun. It isnt grindy, it doesnt require your first born and left nut to get anywhere. The map is great, the ai critters pathfind quite well, the graphics are good, and a heap more positives... The only negative that i can think of is there are no Koala's, Platypus or 'Roos. Seriously. What is a survival game without Drop Bears.
Posted 6 September, 2024.
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21.5 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The world is beautifully done, the concept is freaking amazing, But there are still issues that put the game in that fine area between recommending or not...

The major update released on the 28th march addressed a huge number of issues, and has made the game play a lot more enjoyable, such as better resource spawn rates, slightly higher cab reactor rates, and weapon drain amount, but overall at this point in time I wouldn't go out and grab this game.

The Devs are listening to the community, which is great, and are taking onboard a lot of the feedback given them, and more so, are implementing it into the game, However, i would recommend waiting another few updates until the bulk of issues (like the audio bug from the swamp) and minor other game play balances are in before purchasing the game.

I am changing my review from a thumbs down to a thumbs up based on the Devs interaction with the community, and their fast work to facilitate game balance and change thus far, but as said above, i would still hold off for a few updates to get a much better experience in game.

The control cab reactors received a buff to 125points making bigger and more enjoyable techs possible, and this is a huge win. I hope they keep looking in to how the reactors can be modified/ increased in capacity as building the techs for me is the really fun part of the game. I am also hoping we get new factions in the near future to compliment the original TT we loved for all the previous years.

The enemy techs still murder hobo you at every turn, but now with a slightly more robust tech you stand a much better chance of defeating them once you are better equipped. the ammo counts they drop is still quite low and would be greatr to see it buffed a bit, and also have them drop ammo relevant to the weoponry they are equipped with.

The coal generator uses much less resources now, but overall power management for bases is going to be a struggle for them to keep everyone in the green.
The amount of resources that nodes now drop is far better than before, and is definitelg going in the right direction.

the UI and menu system is a lil bit clunky but it works mostly. sadly having to go between diffewrent inventories to move things around, and the inability to automate base production still leaves a huge time sink in the game that doesnt need to be there.

Cheers for reading my 2 cents worth, and have a goodun.

Original review is below:
[Your tech has a reactor capacity of 100, and you cannot upgrade it (all cabs have the same reactor value despite it saying otherwise on their descriptions), and every block contributes to that reactor core load, from wheels to weapons and armour. You can have a few guns, but no armour, or armour and a gun, but either way you are dead withing 5 seconds.

The AI/NPC techs all signed a peace treaty, so they do not fire on each other and you get ganked by them at every turn, leading to being completey outnumbered, and out gunned wherever you go. Ammo manufacturing is reasonably easy, but only able to be done at your base. so you need to lug around thousands of rounds, only to lose them when you die, and then have to run a gauntlet to get your stuff back from your death crate.

The crafting however is great and the base building is fun. The only let down is the power system, where solar panels and wind generators still need to have the old coal plant fired up before they will generate power for you. A massive fail right there.

The tutorial is ok, but there are no descriptions on anything you build until after you build it. finding resources is easy once you know what you are looking for, but early game supplying enough coal/organic matter to fuel your power generators is a chore and far from a pleasant gameplay addition.

I havnt been able to play co-op yet, but i can imagine it would be a much less tedious experience. I have been looking forwards to this game since announcement, and am very sorely dissapointed.

At this stage i would get a refund if i could, and wait for the devs to fix/change the areas that need attention.]
Posted 24 March, 2024. Last edited 27 March, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
34.3 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Great fun but the leveling system is very slow, and multiplayer leaves alot to be desired
Posted 4 November, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
215.4 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Game has unfortunately got the same borked AI, and munted animations from the original game, running inside an absolutely beautifully re imagined Island map. I really hope they can do something to make the AI move with less awkwardness, especially the water critters. I am really torn. I recommend getting the game, But not at the initial /full price. wait til its 50% off at christmas time..

TLDR: Absolutely stunning re imagined map
Dino animations and intellect havn't changed

EDIT: Game crashing (fatal errors) constantly in SP

EDIT: Crash to Desktop issues seem to have been fixed

EDIT: Constant fatal errors again when in inventory.
Posted 26 October, 2023. Last edited 3 January, 2024.
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10.9 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
... But only if you are looking for a way to waste alot of time and get nothing done in game. The game progresses at a stupid slow pace. its heavily on rails and really not fun. 3 hrs in and past the refund timeframe and am still chugging through tutorial ♥♥♥♥ every few minutes.
Posted 6 May, 2023.
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98.0 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun game, especially in a group.
Posted 31 March, 2023.
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1,014.5 hrs on record (323.9 hrs at review time)
Fun game to play, i love the crafting and building systems, and the fact you can scale walls cliffs etc...
Posted 10 October, 2022.
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12.5 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
fun strategy game that you can take seriously, or enjoy the carnage
Posted 29 August, 2022.
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