
MyDoom の最近のレビュー

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0/10. Do not support this game right now, but if you do buy Witch Queen. I have been a diehard of this game since the D1 beta. But Bungie has deemed worth 50 bucks is not acceptable. This is a good season as best. This is brand new video game money for a few hours and almost entirely reskinned content. Where is the effort and value? Bungie really hooked a lot of people in again with Witch Queen and completely blew it with this. I understand Bungie has this ideology of it doesn’t need to be perfect and I agree, but you cannot compete with other MMO’s and FPS games with this lack of care for your own product and then charge people out the nose for it. For a while now effort has gone into the in game store than the game itself. How do you expect your customers and fans to stay around if you treat them like this? You got me this time, but the next time it will not be a free ride.

That being said I do have to admit strand is cool, although not as good as it should be and I do like the QoL improvements, but none of those things require the DLC.
投稿日 2023年3月6日. 最終更新日 2023年3月6日
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