CAT 🌌 17 de jun. às 7:13 
radesek36 24/mai./2022 às 14:54 
hey bro, add me pls
Bloodhammer 20/out./2020 às 9:38 
+rep, add me
JoJo 8/jun./2020 às 14:07 
sorry for false info it was just 4 days ago when i put the offer oof. feels like its been forever
An Influx of Bees 21/fev./2020 às 14:20 
added to talk
Quantex 9/nov./2019 às 8:38 
Adding for a trade!
Breaking_Doom 22/mar./2019 às 19:21 
+rep Nice and Reasonable trader!
Alone in the Dork 22/fev./2019 às 6:38 
Babyboy it's dirk, I'll cut u
Alone in the Dork 21/fev./2019 às 15:04 
Baby I miss you
xzyzzy 21/fev./2019 às 15:01 
can i have a loan
4rtur3k 8/mar./2018 às 16:54 
trade sended
ö 28/fev./2018 às 12:05 
sent trade offer
dbox 14/out./2017 às 18:00 
Hey, i have a level 0 vintage hat, Batter's Helmet and I would like to know how much you offer me for the
TTV.Inquisitor_Machina 15/ago./2017 às 19:16 
+ repfast trader with a cool focus
ThePissFather 9/ago./2017 às 22:01 
Why so many vintages
[710] SpotlightR 9/ago./2017 às 19:47 
Your inventory is super cool dude! Keep it up.
Rosh 7/abr./2017 às 16:20 
+rep, good guy !
Heru Ra Ha 10/dez./2015 às 20:49 
+ rep
Hecht 26/ago./2015 às 9:53 
Hey. I've got a vintage Ullapool and a vintage sun on a stick if you're interested. Tried sending yo a trdae offer but I kept getting error messages.
dabecot 25/jul./2015 às 7:57 
+rep fast trader and nice trader :)
$@GA #MAGA 13/abr./2015 às 15:56 
Mr. Poyple 17/jan./2015 às 18:18 
Looking to deffinitly be somone for you to go to to get a vintage item
DrooKloo 15/dez./2014 às 18:12 
+REP THIS GUY ROCKS, He put on a huge sale for me!
sometimes i do drugs 11/dez./2014 às 20:59 
Are you still looking for a guy to draw something for you?
Prolegion 5/nov./2014 às 9:13 
Alechko 27/out./2014 às 12:38 
+rep: traded a lot with this guy, everything went good! You can't go wrong with this guy, thanks again :B1:
Auroz 18/set./2014 às 12:54 
squnch 31/ago./2014 às 9:21 
Hey it seems you sent me a trade offer for my Genuine Neon Annihilator, but one of the reclaimed you offered was used in another trade you made. I sent you a friend request to sort it out if you're still interested.
♔²| Prôƒ §chwàrtƶ |CSn 9/jul./2011 às 8:07 
I know you just commented on my profilw just to get a ticket =P Too bad i already got mine
Xeptria 2/jul./2011 às 10:28 
The Game