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Remember what they took from Warthunder
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I wrote a positive review originally back in april of 2020, but im now editing it to reflect the current state of this game.

This game will be released in an unfinished state, with its vast potential abandoned by the devs. This sounds a bit harsh, but to be entirely frank its just not good enough.

As a long standing Mount and Blade simp, the fact that this game that has so much potential, so many cool new mechanics and such a vast map will be abandoned is appalling. Mechanically the game roughly has the same quantity of interesting mechanics as its predecessor, Warband, but it makes no real strides in making something truly unique. They've simplified relations with other lords now, for better and for worse, but now the game feels much less alive. Internal kingdom politics is *strange* to say the least, with no kingdom truly feeling mechanically unique.

This game is one of those games whose true potential will only be explored by modders, as for modders this is probably a fantastic base to work on. But its not acceptable to sell an underwhelming product at full price.

Get it on sale.
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