Jon. 8 lipca 2022 o 19:16 
hi sir my good friend austin was telling me about how nice your ♥♥♥♥ is :masterVan:
notld 1 czerwca 2022 o 21:37 
signed by notld gaming official real
Portal 17 kwietnia 2022 o 16:53 
anongus hapy meal 3am!
notld 7 stycznia 2022 o 21:22 
Ok 👌 I 👁 got 💰 a new 👶 graphics 😳😳 card 💳 It's 🤡 the 👏 rtx 2080 super ti founders edition 👌 vr ready 😩😍 water cooled Fortnite 😈 gaming special 👋 edition 👌 tournament edition 👌👌 rgb enabled 16.8 million 😂 Overclocked OC 👅👀 gtx limited edition 8k 16x the 👏😈 detail 120fps anti-lag 🔫 made 🍔⚗ with real 🎯💧 silicone tkl pro 🅱 edition v-sync ♉💰 freesync infinity ♋ 6000 hz gddr69 XD XRAM enabled 80000MB real ⏲ time 🕦 ray tracing ~0 💦 input ➡ lag super 👑💙 fast 💨 fiber-optic gold-plated ✅💰 infused with 😅 uranium sonic edition 👌👌 prototype beta 💰💰 model 👁👄 dev kit 💄💄 with 👏 HDMI VGA. Thank you! 🤗
Portal 26 grudnia 2021 o 20:10 
Thanks I love you
cabatchi ء 19 grudnia 2021 o 22:52 
im so troilling
and your mad baby

Warm Regards,
the real yoda 22 sierpnia 2021 o 21:01 
i am
Portal 13 sierpnia 2021 o 0:52 
Is anyone subscribed to this thread...
Fearless Foxtrot 25 czerwca 2018 o 15:27 
Good evening, I'm from the National Urology Society and we received your questions sent to our e-mail, and we're pleased to answer:

1) Yes, 3 inches is considered small. We reccomend you have surgery;

2) No, it's not usual for the condom to be loose. There's no XS size;

3) Even if 3 inches is quite small, it is still possible that your partner has an orgasm during sexual relationships, so if it doesn't happen with you like you've mentioned, the lack of competence is your responsability;

4) No, you cant have a prostate exam, it's only for 50-year-olds or older. Please, do not insist;

5) The attraction for people of the same sex can be a strong sign of homosexuals tendencies;

Any other questions, we're here to help. Have a nice day.
Portal 10 czerwca 2018 o 22:33 
i am still alive
the real yoda 18 marca 2017 o 15:39 
La Homosexualidad, según Ricky Martin, es una condición digna. Dale tu apoyo, envía este mensaje a cualquier maricón que conozcas. Yo ya cumplí. Suerte amigo, sigue tu lucha.
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MYMY 31 października 2016 o 20:41 
Trick or treat here is sum candy http://steamproxy.com/steamstore/app/379980/
the real yoda 30 sierpnia 2016 o 19:57 
Three simple things you should do in your life
1.Get a gun {any gun will do}
2.Aim it at your head
3.Pull the the trigger
Copy and paste this so others will do it to
Fearless Foxtrot 21 lipca 2016 o 12:27 
……..|::::::::|: : : : : : : : : _„„--~'''''~-„: : : : '|
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………….'|: \: : : : : : : : -,„_„„-~~--~--„_: :: |
…………..|: \: : : : : : : : : : : :-------~: : : : : |
Portal 22 lipca 2015 o 16:16 
RPG 19 lutego 2014 o 19:59 
Portal 19 lutego 2014 o 19:46 
New profile pic!:p2chell:
RPG 19 lutego 2014 o 19:36 
Fearless Foxtrot 8 stycznia 2014 o 17:54 
#first comment to Portal king in 2014 YEAH!
schitters r. clogged 26 sierpnia 2013 o 19:41 
you should change ur pic to the turret king :3
Portal 17 lipca 2013 o 15:00 
Scrotum Joe 17 lipca 2013 o 14:44 
you are the king of turrets
Portal 17 lipca 2013 o 14:44 
Scrotum Joe 16 lipca 2013 o 18:31 
your last name is king? :O
Fearless Foxtrot 23 maja 2013 o 17:44 
Portal 19 maja 2013 o 15:07 
Cool juco!
Juco52 11 maja 2013 o 9:58 
hey i added u off ifunny
maxlaughlin 1 kwietnia 2013 o 18:07 
Portal 31 marca 2013 o 7:35 
I made a poem:

Roses are red, violets don't poo, I am in bed, GO PIKA CHU!
Portal 22 marca 2013 o 19:23 
Fearless Foxtrot 8 marca 2013 o 15:58 
maxlaughlin 15 lutego 2013 o 21:43 
I know portalKing101 in real life!!
GynxCrazy 5 lutego 2013 o 17:09 
I know him :3
schitters r. clogged 23 stycznia 2013 o 17:59 
Portal 10 stycznia 2013 o 18:52 
Portal 30 grudnia 2012 o 14:05 
Joshawott 25 grudnia 2012 o 10:34 
Portal 4 lipca 2012 o 21:40 
maxlaughlin 2 czerwca 2012 o 8:32 
Portal 29 maja 2012 o 16:06 
I am EPIC! But Not As Epic As Portal 1 and portal 2