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Ulasan terkini oleh AI Waifu Enjoyer

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 15 kiriman
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
You can play like 60% of this DLC with just 1 hand, in case you wanted to multitask and use your spare hand for something else. Like watching something on your phone, eating strawberries, or touching your ♥♥♥♥♥.
Diposting pada 7 Februari 2024.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
Golden clothing represents a sort of flaunt of wealth. You'll see kings wear it, or more recently black people love to wear golden bling.

This glove does not fit the game at all. Not only is your character not rich (he's literally just a soldier), but he lives under soviet communism, where parading wealth is heavily frowned upon! I can see using a camo glove maybe, but not this.

Plus they're charging 7 bucks for this! Like wtf??
Diposting pada 5 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 2.5 jam
Got it for 4 bucks to fu,ck around with my friend for ten minutes, but we both ended up enjoying it so we ended up playing for another hour and a half. The environment really felt scenic, and we both found the idea of two di,ckheads screaming in the wilderness shooting like maniacs quite amusing. There are plenty of picnic spots, little cabins, lakes etc.. it really made me want to go out hunting in real life.

As far as realism goes, I guess it gets a 7/10. The sniper sway is just so outlandish, not even an 80 year old man with parkinson's would sway the gun that much. Also I was very disappointed to see that you cant really keep what you kill in any meaningful way, with no animal skinning/cooking to speak of at all.

It gets an "OK" out of ten. It would be complete insanity to pay full price for this.
Diposting pada 25 Juni 2023.
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Tercatat 72.4 jam
The ending is basically "lol everyone's basically a tra,nny and life holds no meaning." That's not even an exaggeration. If I had known this was just gonna end with some autistic nihilism nonsense I wouldn't have wasted the 5 bucks. Almost feels like Cormac McCarthy wrote this. Seriously, the story was THAT bad.

I was planning on writing something a bit more in-depth, but I really just don't care now. The game got very boring very fast. Don't even bother getting the sequel when it comes out, it'll just be a watered down version with this.

Gameplay mechanics? Uh yeah idk, ♥♥♥♥ I guess. Just save your time/money and play something else. I cannot stress enough just how terrible this dumpster fire of a game was.
Diposting pada 21 Juni 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 21 Juni 2023.
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Tercatat 0.4 jam
Really boring and tedious, you're just dissembling and cleaning guns. It's not that fun, but if you like sim games than this is a much better choice than some reta,rded euro truck sim, as you can actually learn stuff from this that is applicable in real life.

For realism it gets a B. There was one point where a client wanted a new stock, and the game makes you dissemble the whole gun in order to change the stock. Also, there was a wooden grip that was apparently "broken beyond repair" which is literally impossible. I've never heard of wooden grip being "broken beyond repair" before. You'd literally have to snap it in half. Stuff like this is very unrealistic.

I wish there was a "meh" option. I'm tempted to just give this a thumbs down, but if some autist can use what he learned from this to make illegal fully auto bomb gun ar-15 bump stock nuclear machine pistol rifles, then I suppose it's a net positive.
Diposting pada 20 Mei 2023.
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Tercatat 1.1 jam
Grinding no good, no fun. Pay2win no available. PVP dead, shi,tty pve only option. Repetitive gameplay. This no good. This bad bad.

Ooga booga.
Diposting pada 17 Mei 2023.
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Tercatat 1.0 jam
Does not live up to the nostalgia. Gameplay is very bland, just running around whacking zombies with not much else. I guess for 2011 standards it was ok, but the $2.99 felt like a ripoff, can't even imagine paying 20 bucks for this crap. The uninstall point for me was when a friend and I couldn't even get the car out of the garage, it was stuck like my stepsister in the laundry machine.

Oh, and the worst part? All of the characters are AUSTRALIAN! YUCK! No way in hell am I gunna listen to those fu,ckin petrol sniffin aussie voice actors yap on and on for how ever many hours.

Diposting pada 10 Mei 2023.
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Tercatat 8.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
There's no anti cheat so you'll always find AT LEAST 1 cheater per match in the solo mode. I've noticed their aren't nearly as many cheaters in the team mode tho, so as long as you have one friend to play with you on duos the game can be enjoyable. Sadly, this game is not worth anywhere near the asking price. Twenty dollars is outrageous; it should just be free and the whales can pay their bills by buying skins.

The mechanics are pretty good, just needs some balancing here and there.

tldr: DO NOT buy this if you plan on playing solo, as the solo mode is rife with cheaters. If you have friends and you're all very rich, it's a decent buy.

Also for the record I played this during a free weekend, never wasted a dime.
Diposting pada 28 April 2023.
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Tercatat 0.1 jam
POV: You live in a racially homogeneous society.
Diposting pada 30 Maret 2023.
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Ulasan ini telah di-ban oleh moderator Steam karena melanggar Persyaratan Steam dan tidak dapat diubah oleh pengulas.
42 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
6 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 1.3 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
(Tinjau tulisan yang disembunyikan)
Diposting pada 30 Maret 2023.
Apakah ulasan ini membantu? Ya Tidak Lucu Penghargaan
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 15 kiriman