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Közzétéve: 2024. júl. 2., 10:36

If you're interested in game design, this is a noteworthy game to study. It basically turned the hand-holding tutorial of how to play a game into an enjoyable game in and of itself while maintaining solid art direction.
I finally got around to trying this with multiple non-gamers in four-plyaer co-op, and everyone had a lot of fun. It's easy for many gamers to forget that many games on the market just assume a strong understanding of game controls from their players, which leaves many potential players out in the cold. This game does a great job at avoiding that by being so gradual in it's implementation of game mechanics (while still being engaging) that total noobs with a modicum of eye-hand coordination can participate and have fun.
Worth picking up if you like couch co-op or are looking for ways to help your non-gamer friends get into some games.
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