The Game Seekers
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YouTube content creator. JP/EN VTuber. (JPN fluent / ENG conversational)
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History of The Walking Dead | 不朽の名作の歴史と全シーズンを振り返る
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Изиграни 12,7 ч.
オススメ度: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
『MiSide』は、プレイヤーと"アプリの中のアニメキャラ"との不思議な関係を描く恋愛シミュレーション・ホラーゲームです。アプリを開くと、主人公は "ミタ" という可愛らしいアニメキャラに出会いますが、その可愛さの裏には奇妙で不穏な空気が漂います。

3Dアニメの美しさ: レトロ感が非常に丁寧に作り込まれており、不気味さと可愛さが共存しています。
ストーリー展開: 「ただのゲームではない」というメタ的な要素があり、プレイヤー自身が物語の一部になっていく感覚が新鮮です。
音響効果: 静寂の中に突如鳴り響く音や、独特なBGMが緊張感を高め、ホラーらしい不気味な雰囲気を演出しています。



Recommendation: ★★★★☆ (4/5)**
A horror game that is accessible even to beginners, offering a short yet thought-provoking experience about "addiction" and "gaming dependency."

MiSide is a romantic simulation horror game that explores the mysterious relationship between the player and an anime character within an app.
Upon opening the app, the protagonist meets "Mita," a charming and adorable anime character. However, beneath her cuteness lies a sense of unease and eeriness.

As players communicate and bond with Mita, the boundary between "reality" and the world within the app begins to blur. The initially comforting closeness starts to shift, giving way to a creeping sense of unease.

MiSide is a simple yet meticulously crafted horror game. Although short in playtime, its presentation and storytelling are exceptional.

3D Anime Visuals: The retro aesthetics are beautifully rendered, striking a perfect balance between eerie unease and adorable charm.
Story Progression: The game cleverly introduces meta-fictional elements, immersing the player and making them feel like a part of the unfolding narrative.
Sound Design: Sudden sounds breaking the silence and the unique background music heighten the tension, creating a truly chilling horror atmosphere.

Notably, Mita starts off as a lovable and approachable character, but as the story progresses, subtle hints of "something being off" begin to surface. What starts as a sense of familiarity eventually evolves into an urge to escape.

MiSide delivers a chilling experience within a short time frame, making it a must-play for fans of psychological horror.
Beyond its horror elements, the game touches on modern themes such as "dependency" and "loneliness" through its depiction of apps and AI relationships.
The meta-fictional structure adds depth to the story, leaving a lasting impression on players.
Изложение на рецензиите
Изиграни 93 ч.

黒神話: 悟空をクリア!NG+に突入。(ストーリーメイン: 20~30H / メイン+サイドクエスト: 50~60H)
【感想】オープンワールドというほどではなかったが、各チャプターの物語がとても美しくクリエイティブなアニメーションで語られており、心に響く。確か西遊記シリーズにも悲しく暗い物語があったと思うけど、今作もお決まりの実らない切ない恋物語などがあります。因みにこの作品は西遊記の後の物語と思う。伝承と今作のオリジナル物語をミックスした物語か詳しく分からないけど、 制作裏舞台があれば知りたいねw

Black Myth: Wukong
【My thoughts】
Although it was not so much an open world, the story of each chapter is told in a very beautiful and creatively animated way, and it is heartbreaking. As I recall, there were sad and dark stories in the Journey to the West series, and this game also has the usual sad and hopeless love stories, etc. In case you are wondering, I think this game is a story after Journey to the West. I don't know if it's a mix of the lore and the original story, but I'd love to know the story behind the scenes, if there is one.
Personally, I think the design of the yokai was very creative, although it wasn't that outstanding.
The final battle was epic! This game could be a GOTY. Verdict: 8/10
Xiom 14 авг. 2022 в 3:17 